[Air-l] EGOV 2007 - Call for Papers

Jochen Scholl jscholl at u.washington.edu
Fri Dec 22 22:20:48 PST 2006

 -- We kindly apologize for multiple postings --

Sixth International EGOV Conference 2007 (EGOV-7)
within the DEXA conference cluster <http://www.dexa.org>
Regensburg (Germany), September 3 - 7, 2007
Call for Papers

For more details please see the website of the European EGOV Society:


-> / -> Conferences -> EGVO 07

The international EGOV conference series gives annual state of the art
overviews in eGovernment and eGovernance research, implementation and
application. Thereby, the conferences provide important guidance for
research and development in this fast-moving domain of study.

The annual EGOV conferences bring together leading researchers and
professionals from all over the globe and from many disciplines. Over the
years, the interest has increased tremendously. The 2006 conference
attracted about 130 participants from 28 countries all over the world
including developing countries, with 30 contributions in outstanding
research, 30 contributions in ongoing research, 15 projects contributions
and 5 workshops. Hence the EGOV Conferences have become a reunion for
academics and professionals as well as an important ground for networking.

The EGOV Conference Series hosts four distinct formats of contributions:
Scientific papers (distinguished between completed research and ongoing
research); project presentations, and workshops. These formats encourage
scientific rigor and discussions of state of the art in the study domain,
but also welcome innovative research work in progress, and studies of
practical eGovernment projects and systems implementation.

The conference also includes a PhD student colloquium providing doctoral
students with an international forum for presenting their work, networking
opportunities and cross-disciplinary inspiration.

Over the years, organizational and user-related issues long discussed among
researchers have finally gained influence on practice. Conversely,
eGovernment practice has influenced and inspired eGovernment research. A
wide range of topics has received scholarly attention over the years. In
recent years, the assessment of eGovernment efforts, the prospects of
eGovernment as a research discipline, and the role of information and
communication technology for development rank among the top topics on the
research agenda. For the sixth series of EGOV conferences, hence, the list
of topics includes the following:
* Strategies and frameworks, motivators, contextual biases
 - Frameworks and guidelines for eGovernment and eGovernance
 - eGovernment policies, strategies and implementation
 - Legal, societal and cultural aspects of eGovernment
 - Public awareness of eServices availability
* eDemocracy and eParticipation challenges
 - Research challenges and frameworks
 - eParticipation and eVoting tools and technologies
 - eParticipation socio-technical research concepts and solutions
 - Applications and cases of eParticipation solutions
 - Social networking and communities to foster political debates
 - The role of local communities in eParticipation
* Assessment of eGovernment and eParticipation
 - Methods and tools for assessment
 - Experiences from assessment trials
 - Analysis of values for eGovernment stakeholders
 - Public value generation through eGovernment
 - Cross-national comparative studies
* eGovernment and development (ICT4D)
 - Transnational eGovernment
 - International and regional projects, case studies and best practice
 - International dimensions: cooperation, comparisons, networks
 - The role of eGovenment in development (ICT4D)
* eGovernment research
 - Methods and tools of eGovernment research
 - Inter- and multidisciplinary research ­ issues and examples
 - Bridging single discipline research towards multidisciplinarity
 - Issues distinguishing the eGov domain of study.
* Training courses and teaching eGovernment
 - Teaching eGovernment
 - eSkills development: training courses and eLearning solutions for public
sector employees 
 - eSkills development: how to train the citizens?
 - Syllabus for teaching and training eGovernment and eParticipation
* Conceptual design and frames
 - Administrative process design and change, collaborative activities, legal
 - Knowledge management, public information, decision process support
 - eGovernment ontologies
 - Change management and new organisational arrangements: public-private-
partnerships, virtual teams
 - Enterprise architectures and other whole-government approaches
* Implementation aspects
 - One-stop government, electronic service delivery, mobile services
 - Interoperability and standards, semantic standardisation
 - Trust and security: provisions and instruments
* mGovernment and emerging technologies for eGovernment and eParticipation
 - Mobile technologies
 - Mobile fieldwork in government: Challenges and promises
 - Media integration, media convergence, e.g. integration of VoIP and mobile
phones with eGov services
 - Digital TV as a means to reach the citizen?
 - Semantic web technologies

Submissions may qualify as follows:
* Completed research papers
* Ongoing research, projects, and general development issues
* Workshops and panels on pertinent issues
* PhD colloquium submissions
We seek for innovative and rigorous contributions. Further details are
available at the conference website: http://www.egov-society.org/
Third PhD Colloquium

The 3rd EGOV PhD student colloquium will be held on 2nd and 3rd September in
conjunction with the annual EGOV conference.

The objective of the Colloquium is to bring together Ph.D. students working
on any aspect of eGovernment (technical, organizational, informational,
societal, socio- technical, research foundations, tools, and applications,
or any combination) from a theoretical or empirical perspective and give
them an opportunity to present and discuss their research in a constructive,
and international atmosphere. The Colloquium will particularly provide an
opportunity for student participants to interact with leading researchers in
the field and with the eGovernment community as a whole. Both the diversity
of research avenues and the interactive setting will provide a unique
learning opportunity for all participants of the colloquium.

A committee of PhD students guided by advice from two international faculty
members will organize the PhD Colloquium.
Submission guidelines
Submissions to the PhD Colloquium should be sent to the PhD program chairs
<http://www.uni-koblenz.de/%7Eegov/egov-s/egov2007/organising>   by email.
Paper submission shall follow the same guidelines as those for general
EGOV07 research paper submissions. However, PhD Colloquium submissions
should be marked as such. We will group the PhD submissions in a way that
early-stage and close-to-defense contributions are grouped separately for
presentation and discussion. This will allow for very focused discussion,
comments, and support, which will meet the particular needs of the
individual study phase. Plenary parts will also be organized to support
networking among all students.

PhD papers should be single-authored and should indicate the name and
affiliation of proposer, abstract (max. 300 words), 3-5 keywords,
introduction, research aim, theory, method, results achieved and/or
prospective results, references.

Since the number of participants is limited, the proposals will be
critically reviewed by the organising committee for rigor, quality and
relevance. Students may come from any discipline relevant to eGovernment
research and practice. There will be a best contribution award.

For further details please see : http://www.egov-society.org/

  Submission of research papers, ongoing research, project and case papers):
February 15, 2007  
  Submission of workshop/panel proposals:   April 15, 2007 (to be sent to
the organising committee via email)
  Submissions to PhD colloquium:   April 15, 2007 (to be sent to the
organising committee via email)
  Notification of acceptance for papers:   April 1, 2007
  Notification of acceptance for workshops/panels/PhD submissions:   May 15,
  Camera-ready copies due:   Papers in LNCS proceedings: May 31, 2007
      Papers in Trauner Druck proceedings: June 15, 2007

General information for the EGOV conference can be found at
www.egov-society.org <http://www.egov-society.org/> ; Info on the location
and for further conferences at the DEXA conference cluster: see www.dexa.org

Organising chairs of the conference

    * Maria A. Wimmer, University of Koblenz- Landau (DE)
<wimmer at uni-koblenz.de>
    * Ake Grönlund, Orebro University (SE) <ake.gronlund at esi.oru.se>
    * Jochen Scholl, University of Washington (USA)
<jscholl at u.washington.edu>

Organising chairs of the PhD Colloquium

    * Kim V. Andersen Copenhagen Business School (DK) <kva.inf at cbs.dk>
    * Jochen Scholl, University of Washington
(USA)<jscholl at u.washington.edu>

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