[Air-l] Call for reviewers

Klaus Bruhn Jensen kbj at hum.ku.dk
Sun Dec 30 08:23:07 PST 2001

As program chair for the AoIR 3.0 conference, I would appreciate your 
service as a reviewer of the  papers that have started to come in.

Below, I indicate the categories in which papers are being submitted, 
as well as the volunteers so far (thanks!). Bold indicates categories 
in which we have only one reviewer; the minimum for the review 
process will be two reviewers for each paper. Please get in touch 
with me OFF LIST and indicate your preferred category(-ies).



Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Internet Research
*Michel Menou <Michel.Menou at wanadoo.fr>

Internet Access, Use, and Effects
*Ulla Bunz <ulla at ukans.edu>
*Leslie Shade <shade at aix1.uottawa.ca>

Psychology and the Internet
*Laura Gurak <gurakl at umn.edu>
*Greg Monaco <greg at greatplains.net>

Individuals, Groups, and Communities Online
*Caroline Haythornthwaite <haythorn at uiuc.edu>
*Lori Kendall <Lori.Kendall at purchase.edu>

Privacy, Surveillance, and Security on the Internet
*Ellis Godard <ellisgodard at starband.net>
*Nilz Zurawski <zurawsk at uni-muenster.de>

Internet Policy, Law, Ethics, and Politics
*Jeremy Hunsinger <jhuns at vt.edu>
*Wendy Sutherland-Smith <wsutherlandsmith at bigpond.com.au>

Teaching and Learning on the Internet
*Robin Cheesman <robin at ruc.dk>
*Simon Heilesen <simonhei at ruc.dk>

The Internet in Writing and Publishing
*Radhika Gajjala <radhika at cyberdiva.org>

Ethnicity, Race, Identity, Gender, and Sexuality Online
*Sue Cranmer <sue at jcranmer.freeserve.co.uk>
*Greg Monaco <greg at greatplains.net>

The Internet in Cultural Contexts
*Lori Kendall <Lori.Kendall at purchase.edu>
*David  Silver <dsilver at u.washington.edu>

The Internet in History
*David  Silver <dsilver at u.washington.edu>

Digital Art and Aesthetics
*Ira Nayman <ira at ecommons.net>

Gaming on the Internet
*Gitte Stald <stald at hum.ku.dk>

E-Commerce, E-Business, and the Value of Digital Content
*Mattia Miani <katanankes at yahoo.com>

New Technologies and New Media
*Nicole Ellison <nellison at usc.edu>

E-Sectors (e-health, e-entertainments, e-other...)
*Nancy Baym <nbaym at ku.edu>
*Monica Murero <Monica.Murero at MERIT.UNIMAAS.NL>

Klaus Bruhn Jensen
Associate Professor, dr.phil.

Department of Film and Media Studies
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 80
DK-2300 Copenhagen S

kbj at hum.ku.dk

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