[Air-l] Repost: CFP: Cyberactivism: Critical Theories and Practices of Online Activism

Mike Ayers mayers at vt.edu
Thu Jul 5 08:56:44 PDT 2001

This deadline is about 2 months away.  feel free to foward this message or a 
link to this site to other listservs/persons that might be interested.  

Call For Papers

Cyberactivism: Critical Theories and Practices of Online Activism

Edited by Martha McCaughey and Mike Ayers

Virginia Tech/New School University

Submission Deadline: September 15, 2001

Social movements and social movement groups have historically incorporated new 
technologies into their framework towards working for social change. Activists 
are also incorporating the Internet into their strategies to affect change in 
society. This edited volume seeks to bring together essays that discuss 
current issues surrounding how activists, social movement 
groups/organizations, and grassroots organizations are using the Internet for 
social change work. This volume seeks to highlight the importance of current 
social movement theory, cultural studies, media studies, and cyberculture 
studies to explore how cyberspace can or can not aid people working towards 
social change.

We seek submissions that discuss the following:

-- The application of social movement theory to Internet social movement 

-- Essays by activists about how cyberspace has changed activism or allowed 
activists to create social change

-- Comparative analyses of online activist groups and offline activist groups

-- Theoretical frameworks for studying online activism/social movements

-- Case studies on race-, gender-, or sexuality-based movements on the 

Essays should be in the range of 5,000 to 8,000 words. Please submit completed 
essays for consideration in Rich Text File (RTF) format as an attached 
document to:

Martha McCaughey (marth at vt.edu) and Mike Ayers (mayers at vt.edu)


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