[Air-l] Internet Programs

Randy Kluver icmrk at nus.edu.sg
Thu Jul 12 19:38:06 PDT 2001

In reference to Colin Koteles' query about internet studies programs: 

Two years ago, National University of Singapore began a full-fledged
undergraduate program in Information and Communication Management, which is
a joint programme of the School of Computing and the Faculty of Arts.  We
have approximately 300 undergraduate majors so far, and are beginning to
accept graduate students.  Information about the program, including
curricula, is available at http://www.fas.nus.edu.sg/icm/

In addition, the University of Washington has a program in Internet Studies,
has a center for Internet Studies, which doesn't constitute a major, but is
beginning to offer courses at the undergraduate level, I believe.  

Randy Kluver, Ph.D. 
Information and Communication Management Programme 
National University of Singapore 
AS 3, #04-16 
Singapore 117570 
(65) 559-3141

fax (65) 779-4911 

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