[Air-l] Call for Papers: (Virtual) Community Informatics - HICSS, January 2002

Michael Bieber bieber at homer.njit.edu
Fri Jun 1 14:39:00 PDT 2001


Community Informatics Minitrack 
general topics:  Community Informatics and Virtual Communities

at the 35th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences 
Hilton Waikoloa Village, Kona, Hawaii (Big Island)
January 7-10, 2002

Extended Deadline for Submissions: June 19, 2001

(Virtual) Community Informatics
This mini-track provides one of the key international platforms 
relating to issues concerned with community informatics (CI), the 
study of the application of Information and Communications 
Technologies (ICT) to the social, economic, political or cultural 
goals of communities.  We take a wide view of community informatics 
so as to include relevance to developing as well as developed 
countries and rural as well as urban communities. As such CI is a 
technology strategy or discipline which links economic and social 
development efforts at the community level with emerging 
opportunities in numerous business, societal and personal domains.

There is a considerable interest in linking CI with the remarkably 
parallel processes of "virtual" communities. The dialogue between 
those with an interest in "geo-communities" and those concerned with 
"virtual communities" proved to be an exceptionally rich one at 
HICSS-34 and it is proposed to extend and deepen that dialogue at 

For further information, see http://www.hicss.org/HICSS_35/apahome35.htm

Minitrack Chairs:
Roger Harris, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Roger at fit.unimas.my
Doug Vogel, City University of Hong Kong, isdoug at is.cityu.edu.hk
Michael Bieber, New Jersey Institute of Technology, bieber at njit.edu
Wal Taylor, Central Queensland University, w.taylor at cqu.edu.au
Michael Gurstein, Technical University of British Columbia, gurstein at techbc.ca
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