[Air-l] Re: Air-l digest, Vol 1 #26 - 1 msg

marcus.leaning at ntlworld.com marcus.leaning at ntlworld.com
Tue Jun 5 16:01:46 PDT 2001

Hi Ulla and anyone else who was at the GOR conference in Gottingen.
I think thats an excellent suggestion, however I have a minor reservation. The GOR is primarily aimed at German Online research, and while there were a few other presenters at the conference, besides myself, who were international in origin it was primarily a German affair. 

The AOIR seems aimed not at one county, would the GOR be willing to loose its primary German focus?? I think it would be unfair to expect it to do so.

Perhaps a 'strategic alliance' would be more useful, something that allows co operation for a year or so, that is if AOIR would like to 'do their thing' in Germany next year. 

I was kind of hoping they might look at Barcelona though as I've never been there....

Anyway thats my two pence worth.


Marcus Leaning

> alrao> About two weeks ago I attended the fourth GOR (German Online Research)
> snip
> alrao> Is a joint conference with GOR desirable?
> Yes.
> But I'd prefer if it would clearly be designed as an International
> conference with broad participation of members and colleagues from different
> countries in the various functions.
> alrao> Is it do-able?
> Yes

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