[Air-l] Copyright issues on material transmitted to AIR-L

jeremy hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Wed May 23 08:57:49 PDT 2001

I tend to agree with Ed.  This list constitutes more of a publication and 
distribution system than a research system.  If it were a research system, 
and we distributed materials as we have done, then we would probably have 
to make the list password protected and moderated to some extent as lists 
for classes or lists for research groups usually are.

>sorry...but I also disagree pretty strongly with this. This list isn't
>doing research. It's chatting. It may be learning about research
>issues...but list members are neither signed up for credit for a class,
>nor are they engaged in active research as part and parcel to their
>participation here. I don't buy it.
>Further, even if one of us is doing research, we aren't all on/in the same
>project...so forwarding us copyright protected stuff goes outside the
>intent (in my view).
>Of course....I'm no lawyer . . . and this is a brave new frontier.
>Air-l mailing list
>Air-l at aoir.org

Jeremy Hunsinger          	http://www.cddc.vt.edu
Instructor of Political Science	Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
Webmaster/Manager CDDC
526 Major Williams Hall 0130	http://www.cddc.vt.edu/jeremy --my homepage
Virginia Tech			(yes i partially updated it)
Blacksburg, VA 24061		(540)-231-7614  icq 5535471

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