[Air-l] Re:Finding email survey samples

Monika Merkes M.Merkes at latrobe.edu.au
Thu Oct 18 17:05:16 PDT 2001

You could try PC User Groups. APCUG (The Association of Personal
Computer User Groups) has a list of groups on their website at
http://www.apcug.org/index.shtm. I'm a member of the Melbourne PC User
Group, the second largest PC User Group, and I'm happy to let our
newsgroup know about your survey. Email me off-list if you want me to do
> Message: 5
> From: Danyel Fisher <danyelf at cs.berkeley.edu>
> To: air-l at aoir.org
> Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 18:37:50 -0700
> Subject: [Air-l] Fw: Finding email survey samples
> Reply-To: air-l at aoir.org
> First, thanks to all for a great conference. I had a marvelous time meeting
> a lot of people, and look forward to future conferences.
> I'm currently working on a survey of email accounts. I've spent some time
> writing a series of questions that ask users how many accounts they
> maintain, and for what purposes. It's a brief survey, under ten minutes.
> But now (as always), I need to find a sample population. The first
> temptation is to spam some mailing list somewhere: after all, mailing list
> users are likely to maintain multiple accounts, and so the sample would be
> broad.
> But I wouldn't want to get spammed myself, and I don't think anyone else
> does, either. So I'm looking for other good sources of subject pools. Where
> do you find sets of internet users?
> Danyel
> --__--__--

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