[Air-l] Commander Laurel's Excellent Adventure

thom thom at indiana.edu
Fri Oct 19 21:50:22 PDT 2001

This is an interview I did recently with Brenda Laurel, author of the
Utopian Entrepreneur very recently published by MIT Press. Brenda Laurel
is a very long time culture worker in the area of computer game design and
human interface design. Utopian Entrepreneur is about her experiences 'in
the industry' of interaction and what is mis-named 'newMedia' design. The
Utopian Entrepreneur is published as part of MIT's new Mediawork pamphlets
series which means it is short (90+ pages) and totally to the point. I'm
using it in my 'Art, Entertainment and Information' grad class at IU this
term and the students like it a lot. All of it is interesting but her
discussion of why she wants to be viewed as a 'culture worker' as opposed
to an artist is definitely worth the price of admission, particularly in
light of September 11th.

The review is at:



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What is the use of a book, thought Alice, without pictures or
conversation. -Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventure in Wonderland

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