[Air-l] NetMiner - network analysis tool

Ken Friedman ken.friedman at bi.no
Thu Oct 25 04:19:21 PDT 2001

Forwarded from SocNET via ELMAR -- Ken Friedman

5) Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT - NetMiner - network analysis tool

Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 16:11:25 +0900
From: <jyyee at PLAZA.SNU.AC.KR>

[ Forwarded from SocNET. -- Peter ]

A New Web-based Network Analysis Software

A very powerful network analysis tool is free on the web.  "NetMiner"
is a combination of graph visualization and network analysis".  It is
a powerful combination of the concept of UCINET and KP.  Following are
the site URL and main features of NetMiner for Web v.0.99b.

http://www.netminer.com   or   http://www.netminer.co.kr

- Advanced user interface which integrates graph visualization and
- High interactivity supported by global / local control box seeing
   graph to change simultaneously
- 5 categories including 10 analysis tools which are most frequently
   used in SNA research Table of Analysis Tools of NetMiner for Web
- Layer structure of network data file (NetMiner for Web v.0.99b
   supports 3 matrix layers)
- Attribute and affiliation data can be included in a data file with
   adjacency data
- Available at any time and any place if only connected on the
   Internet (Stand-alone application will come soon!)

Jaeyeol Yee
Jaeyeol Yee           Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
College of Social Science                Seoul National University
jyyee at plaza.snu.ac.kr                http://plaza.snu.ac.kr/~jyyee
151-742 Seoul, Korea                            fax: 82-2-873-3799

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