[Air-l] List of Mailing Lists

Joan Korenman korenman at umbc.edu
Fri Oct 19 06:05:27 PDT 2001

--On Thursday, October 18, 2001 7:27 PM -0400 Zunt at aol.com wrote:

>> I would be interested in identifying resources for 'lists' of
>> mailing lists.
> The only one I know about is Catalist:
> http://www.lsoft.com/catalist.html
> It is incomplete, insofar as it is limited to public lists that use
> L-Soft  software (LISTSERV).

In addition to Catalist (which, as has been noted, includes only 
L-Soft lists, I know of the following (listed in no particular order):

Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists (Stephanie DaSilva)
This is indexed by Subject and by List Name

Tile Net

Directory of Scholarly and Professional E-Conferences (Diane Kovacs)
In the process of relocating.  In the past, this has been updated 
only once a year, I think, but it includes more info than some of the 
other listings.

The listing that used to be most comprehensive and up-to-date was 
Liszt, but the guy who created it eventually turned it over/sold out 
to Topica ( http://www.topica.com/ ).  Topica provides lots of 
listings, but it's not nearly as impressive as Liszt used to be.

And then, of course, there's Yahoo Groups (formerly E-groups formerly 
One List): http://groups.yahoo.com/ .  This lists only Yahoo groups, 
but there are zillions of them.  They come and go very quickly, but 
some have been around for years.  Searchable.

Also, the searchable archives of NEW-LIST may yield some relevant 
lists: http://listserv.classroom.com/archives/new-list.html .

I might also mention that for women-related lists, you might try my 
Gender-Related Electronic Forums: http://www.umbc.edu/wmst/forums.html
It includes information about more than 600 such lists and includes a 
section on Cyberculture/Internet Info.


        Joan Korenman, Director
        Center for Women & Information Technology
        University of Maryland, Baltimore County
        Baltimore, MD 21250  USA
        korenman at umbc.edu

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