[Air-l] Films/Pedagogy

Nils Zurawski zurawsk at uni-muenster.de
Mon Oct 22 03:46:03 PDT 2001

>A pedagogical question. Can folks who use films in their internet 
>studies classes offer a list of them, either to this list, or to me 
>personally? Equally important, tho, would be a few sentences of WHY 
>you teach them or HOW you teach them in relation to the issues yr 
>class explores. We all know the ususal suspects: Bladerunner, for 
>example, and those films that disrupt narrative (Time Code) but what 
>other films or videos and why and how? Thanks in advance. Thom Swiss
>thomas-swiss at uiowa.edu

Although a German film , '23' would be a good addition to this list. 
It shows the early hacker culture in Germany in the 1980, the state 
yound people where in at that time, counter culture, protest and all 
and the early uses and dangers of the net. Sadly a true story, this 
tells the other half of Clifford Stolls CooCoo's ... I forgot the 
exact title.... a good story set in the cold war at its innermost 
border in Germany......

I do not know of an English version, but would not be surprises.


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