[Air-l] Re: [CI]: UK Government's Major E-Democracy Push - Articles, Releases, Key Speech (A BIG DEAL)

Rick Parkany rparkany at borg.com
Sat Oct 27 03:36:11 PDT 2001

Steven:	perhaps this most recent effort will interest you.

Thank you, CyberCowGirl, for noticing this and passing it into the ring...	;-} rap.

"Dein Wachstum sei feste und lache vor Lust! 
Deines Herzens Trefflichkeit
Hat dir selbst das Feld bereit', 
Auf dem du bluehen musst." JS Bach: Bauern Kantata
Richard A. Parkany: SUNY at Albany 
Prometheus Educational Services
Upper Hudson & Mohawk Valleys; New York State, USA

Subject: [DUC] INFO: The Congress Online??? How Radical Dude!
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 13:20:08 -0400
From: CyberCowGrrl <duc at edu-cyberpg.com>
Reply-To: duc at yahoogroups.com
To: DUC <duc at yahoogroups.com>


Spooked by anthrax in the Capitol, public officials and opinion makers are 
scrambling to figure out how to keep the
government running if Congress can't physically convene. Among the options 
being considered: having senators and representatives gather online, in "an 
electronic Congress."
The idea, proposed by the Democratic Leadership Council -- the centrist 
group once headed by Bill Clinton -- is finding sympathetic ears in both 
parties. But don't expect lawmakers to begin voting on their laptops any 
time soon, policy analysts caution.
In an online newsletter article entitled "Legislating By Any Means 
Necessary," the DLC asserted that a website "could easily be built" that 
would allow congress members and their staffs to debate, draft legislation 
and vote over the Internet.


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Steven Clift wrote:
> I am on the look out for other government-led "e-democracy" efforts (at any
> level) similiar to the recent UK announcements (see below).  If you are
> interested in this issue, join my 2200 person Democracies Online Newswire
> e-mail annoucement list <http://www.e-democracy.org/do> for updates on this
> new e-government trend.
> Thanks,
> Steven Clift
> Democeracies Online Newswire

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