[Air-l] Thanks for Suggestions

Sean Cubitt seanc at waikato.ac.nz
Sat Oct 27 22:56:21 PDT 2001

BTW Thom

did anyone mention waxweb, David Blair's web/CD-ROM and linear video piece
from the mid-90s, still not only exemplary of how to do it, but --
invention of television among the bees -- ghost radio - - a seismic
introduction to ecological media (as opposed to media ecology)


>Thanks to all who offered film/video suggestions in re: the internet and
>All suggestions that were made appeared on the full list over the last
>week, fyi.
>Air-l mailing list
>Air-l at aoir.org

Sean Cubitt
Screen and Media Studies
Akoranga Whakaata Pürongo
The University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105
New Zealand
T (direct) +64 (0)7 856 2889 extension 8604
T/F (department) +64 (0)7 838 4543
seanc at waikato.ac.nz

Digital Aesthetics
The Dundee Seminars

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