[Air-l] CFP: Craft, Critique, Culture Conference

Anthony Enns anthony-enns at uiowa.edu
Thu Sep 13 10:00:31 PDT 2001

Call for Papers

The University of Iowa's 2nd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Writing
in the Academy

April 12-14, 2002

Keynote Speakers:

N. Katherine Hayles, Shelley Jackson, Kevin Kopelson, Thomas Swiss

CRAFT, CRITIQUE, CULTURE is an interdisciplinary conference focusing on the
divisions between critical and creative approaches to writing both within
and outside the academy.  This year's conference will also have a special
focus on technologies of writing and the impact of media on the creation
and reception of texts.  How have technological media historically
influenced the divisions between academic, avant-garde, and popular writers
and audiences?  What is the future of the concept and practice of writing
in our rapidly changing world?  How do new technologies promise to
transform works, authors, and readers?

CRAFT, CRITIQUE, CULTURE invites scholars and writers from a range of
disciplines, such as literary studies, cultural studies, communication
studies, creative writing, theater, film, music, and art history, to
present either formal papers or creative work, including poetry, fiction,
creative non-fiction, and multimedia presentations.  Possible topics
include, but are not limited to:

*  Writers, critics, and audiences
*  Historicizing the poet-critic divide
*  Critics' representations of writers / writers' characterizations of critics
*  Parallel discourses in English departments and creative writing workshops
*  Creative and critical audiences in the academy
*  The role of aesthetic evaluation in contemporary criticism and cultural
*  Examining the craft, style, and performative aspects of critical theory
*  Contemporary avant-gardes, experimental writing, and the academy
*  Academic publishing:  bridging academic and popular audiences
*  The pleasure of reading in the academy and the wider culture
*  Technologies of writing (typewriter, word processor, hypertext, etc.)
*  Technologies of publishing (printing press, electronic publishing, etc.)
*  The history and future of the book
*  Media literacy
*  Film and literature
*  The graphic novel
*  The photo-essay
*  The concept of writing and the experience of sound
*  Pedagogical issues:  the use of media in the classroom

Selected papers will be published in the Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies.

Please submit papers, abstracts, or panel proposals by FEBRUARY 1, 2002 to:

Anthony Enns
English Department
308 English Philosophy Building
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242-1492
anthony-enns at uiowa.edu

Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged.  

For more information, please contact Anthony Enns at the above address, or
visit our webpage at http://www.uiowa.edu/~c3conf.

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