[Air-l] Internet traffic on Sept. 11

David Wiley wiley at cc.usu.edu
Mon Sep 17 08:52:59 PDT 2001

While this doesn't speak for the entire Internet, it is probably quite


And if you're interested in CMC but don't read Slashdot, you probably should
visit the link anyway.

David Wiley
Assistant Professor
Instructional Technology
Utah State University

-----Original Message-----
From: air-l-admin at aoir.org [mailto:air-l-admin at aoir.org]On Behalf Of
Ryan J. Burns
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 9:14 AM
To: Air-l at aoir.org
Subject: [Air-l] Internet traffic on Sept. 11

Has anyone seen statistics on Internet traffic on Sept. 11 and 12? If so,
where? I noticed that the major news websites were really "slow" on Sept.
11. I also heard the CEO of Earthlink on NPR talk about huge spikes in
traffic to his member sites. He also mentioned that e-mail use was down, and
the use of synchronous chat was up. I'm teaching a CMC class and would love
to talk about it in class.

Ryan J. Burns, Ph.D.
rburns1 at tulane.edu
Visiting Instructor of Media Studies
Department of Communication
Tulane University

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