[Air-l] Re: Internet traffic on Sept. 11

Jill Walker jill.walker at uib.no
Mon Sep 17 11:57:39 PDT 2001

>Has anyone seen statistics on Internet traffic on Sept. 11 and 12? If so,
>where? I noticed that the major news websites were really "slow" on Sept.
>11. I also heard the CEO of Earthlink on NPR talk about huge spikes in
>traffic to his member sites. He also mentioned that e-mail use was down, and
>the use of synchronous chat was up. I'm teaching a CMC class and would love
>to talk about it in class.

At http://blogger.com apparently 22% more people posted to their 
blogs on sept 11 than on an average day. There's a post about it on 
the front page - scroll down to the appropriate date (11th or 12th)

Don't know where to find more global statistics, but it'd be interesting.

I couldn't reach CNN.com at all for the first few hours after 9 am NY 
time last Tuesday. Then they had a very barebones version for a good 
while - just text.


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