FW: [Air-l] election information

Ellis Godard ellisgodard at starband.net
Sun Sep 23 11:29:42 PDT 2001

I do not know how many other grad students are on the list. But if getting
my PhD within the next year does not disqualify me, I would be honored for
the opportunity to serve in an open seat. I have helped network sociologists
in cyberspace for nearly a decade, including web site design as well as
initiation of the first two Usenet newsgroups about sociology
(alt.sci.sociology and sci.sociology). I also have some relevant experience,
ranging from departmental committees (such as the Computing Committee) to
executive boards (such as the Netspace Foundation, a volunteer nonprofit
which provides discounted online services to other nonprofits).

I have studied cyberspace for almost as long, including a Master's thesis on
social movements and cyberspace, several conference participations, a
forthcoming dissertation on social control in cyberspace ("The Moral Order
of Cyberspace: Conflict Management and Social Structure Online"), and an
article soon to be under review, as well as teaching several courses on the
subject. And I have recently broadened my scholarship to consider
communications studies, including a book chapter out next spring in a volume
edited by two Professors of Communicaton, and an invited participation at
the Eastern Communication Society meetings in April.

Thanks for your consideration,

Ellis Godard
godard at virginia.edu
University of Virginia

-----Original Message-----
From: air-l-admin at aoir.org [mailto:air-l-admin at aoir.org]On Behalf Of
Nancy Baym
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2001 10:39 AM
To: air-l at aoir.org
Subject: Re: [Air-l] election information

Hey Grad Students! There's an open seat reserved for you and I'm not
seeing any grad students on this list! Nominate yourself or your
buddy now! Nancy

>Open Seats
>Mia Consalvo
>Charles Ess
>Laura Gurak
>Nick Jankowski
>Klaus Bruhn Jensen
>Michel Menou
>Gitte Stald
>Barry Wellman
Nancy Baym, Communication Studies
University of Kansas
NEW! email: nbaym at ku.edu
NEW! snail mail: 102 Bailey, 1440 Jayhawk Blvd., Lawrence, KS 66045, USA
NEW! url: http://www.ku.edu/home/nbaym

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