[Air-l] Graduate programs

jeremy hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Sun Apr 7 21:39:47 PDT 2002

did you check the archives, there are quite a few threads on this, but 
there are new programs starting all the time also. once you get a list, 
if you send it back to the list, then we'd have a message number to 
refer people to:)
On Sunday, April 7, 2002, at 07:11 PM, T.L.Taylor wrote:

> Hi folks. I am trying to compile a list of graduate programs in the
> humanities or social sciences with an explicit focus on CMC/new
> media/Internet studies. Discipline doesn't matter - just want to try and
> get some data on places that are putting an emphasis on this type of 
> work.
> Maybe there is something like this out there already I haven't yet 
> stumbled
> upon...  Anyway, if you happen to know of any such programs please drop 
> me
> a line. I'd be happy to share whatever final list I come up with. Thanks
> much!
> 	TL
> ---------------------------------------------------
> T.L. Taylor, Assistant Professor
> North Carolina State University, Dept. of Communication
> Box 8104, 201 Winston Hall
> Raleigh, NC 27695-8104
> 919.515.9738 / 919.515.9456 (fax)
> tltaylor at ncsu.edu / ICQ: 2079193
> http://social.chass.ncsu.edu/~ttaylor/
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jeremy hunsinger
jhuns at vt.edu
on the ibook

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