[Air-l] Mobile Comm Lit

Robert Luke robert.luke at utoronto.ca
Wed Apr 17 07:01:34 PDT 2002

I have a forthcoming article on mobile issues called The Phoneur: Mobile
Commerce and the Digital Pedagogies of the Wireless Web.  It examines some
Canadian-specific issues related to W4 enticements, specifically Rogers
Cable my-iD.com service (which hasn't really taken off).  A truncated
version (from which I quote in the longer one) appeared in Shift magazine a
while ago: http://www.shift.com/mag/9.2/html/9.2autopsy.asp.

I would also recommend Myerson, G. (2001). Heidegger, Habermas and the
Mobile Phone. Reading, UK: Icon Books (UK}; Totem Books (US) as a nifty look
at these issues, from which  I also quote, but is inexplicably absent from
the reference list on the online version of the article (and which I will
correct forthwith).

Pasted below is a bibliography from Sean Smith, who posted to another list a
short while ago.  I don't think it is inappropriate to paste here, but I
have left his sig line in in case you want to contact him directly.



(2001). Pew Internet Teens Online Report: Rise of the Instant-Message
Generation, Pew Internet & American Life Project.

(2000). Mobile Phones Grabs Europe’s Youth, Forrester Research.

Brown, B. (2001). Studying the Use of Mobile Technology. Wireless World. B.
Brown, N. Green and R. Harper. London, Springer.

Brown, B., Green, N. and Harper, R., (2001). Wireless World: Social and
Interactional Aspects of the Mobile Age. London, United Kingdom, Springer.
Christensen, P., A. James, et al. (2000). Home and Movement: Children
Constructing 'Family Time'. Children's Geographies: Playing, Living,
Learning. S. L. Holloway and G. Valentine, Routledge.

Churchill, E. F. and N. Wakeford (2001). Framing Mobile Collaborations and
Mobile Technologies. Wireless World: Social and Interactional Aspects of
the Mobile Age. B. Brown, N. Green and R. Harper. London, Springer.

Clark, L. S. (1998). Dating on the Net: Teens and the Rise of 'Pure'
Relationships. Cybersociety 2.0: Revising Computer-Mediated Communication
and Community. S. G. Jones, Sage: 135-155.

Cooper, G. (2001). The Mutable Mobile: Social Theory in the Wireless World.
Wireless World: Social and Interactional Aspects of the Mobile Age. B.
Brown, N. Green and R. Harper. London, United Kingdom, Springer.

Grant, D. and S. Kiesler (2001). Blurring the Boundaries: Cell Phones,
Mobility, and the Line between Work and Personal Life. Wireless World:
Social and Interactional Aspects of the Mobile Age. B. Brown, N. Green and
R. Harper. London, United Kingdom, Springer.

Green, N. (2001). Who's Watching Whom? Monitoring and Accountability in
Mobile Relations. Wireless World: Social and Interactional Aspects of the
Mobile Age. B. Brown, N. Green and R. Harper. London, United Kingdom,

Green, N. (forthcoming). Outwardly Mobile: Young People and Mobile

Grinter, R. E. and M. Eldridge (2001). "y do tngrs luv 2 txt msg." European
Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Work, Germany.

Harper, D. (2001). The Mobile Interface: Old Technologies and New
Arguments. Wireless World: Social and Interactional Aspects of the Mobile
Age. B. Brown, N. Green and R. Harper. London, United Kingdom, Springer.

Helyar, V. (2001). Usability of Portable Devices: The Case of WAP. Wireless
World: Social and Interactional Aspects of the Mobile Age. B. Brown, N.
Green and R. Harper. London, United Kingdom, Springer.

Hutchby, I. and J. Moran-Ellis (2001). Introduction: Relating Children,
Technology and Culture. Children, Technology and Culture: The Impacts of
Technologies in Children's Everyday Life. I. Hutchby, Moran-Ellis, Jo. New
York, Routledge.

Ito, M. (2001). Mobile Phones, Japanese Youth, and the Re-Placement of
Social Contact. Society for the Social Study of Science (4S), Cambridge MA.

Kasesniemi, E.-L. and P. Rautiainen (2002 forthcoming). Mobile Culture of
Children and Teenagers in Finland. Perpetual Contact: Mobile Communication,
Private Talk, and Public Performance. J. E. Katz and M. Aakhus. Cambridge,
United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press.

Katz, J. E. and M. Aakhus (3/2002 forthcoming). Perpetual Contact: Mobile
Communication, Private Talk, and Public Performance. Cambridge, United
Kingdom, Cambridge University Press.

Laurier, E. (2001). The Region as a Socio-Technical Accopmlishment of
Mobile Workers. Wireless World: Social and Interactional Aspects of the
Mobile Age. B. Brown, N. Green and R. Harper. London, United Kingdom,

Ling, Richard -
·       Ling, R. (1998). "One can talk about common manners!": The use of
telephones in inappropriate situations. Telektronikk. 94: 65-76.
·       Ling, R. (1998). "She calls, [but] it's for both of us you know":
The use
of traditional fixed and mobile telephony for social networking among
Norwegian parents. Kjeller, Telenor Research and Development.
·       Ling, R. (1999). Restaurants, Mobile Phones and Bad Manners: New
Technology and the Shifting of Social Boundaries. Human Factors in
Telecommunications, 17th International Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark.
·       Ling, R. (1999). "I am happiest by having the best": The adoption
rejection of mobile telephony". Kjeller, Telenor Research and Development.
·       Ling, R. (1999). "We release them little by little": maturation and
gender identity as seen in the use of mobile telephony. International
Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS`99) Women and Technology:
Historical, Societal and Professional Perspectives., Rtugers University,
New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA.
·       Ling, R. (2000). "'We will be reached': The use of mobile telephony
Norwegian youth." Information Technology and People 13(2): 102-120.
·       Ling, R. (2000). The Adoption of Mobile Telephony among Norwegian
May 2000. Kjeller, Telenor Research & Development.
·       Ling, R. (2000). The Impact of the Mobile Telephone on Four
Social Institutions. ISSEI2000 conference of the International Society for
the Study of European Ideas, Bergen, Norway.
·       Ling, R. (forthcoming). "It is 'in.' It doesn't matter if you need
it or
not, just that you have it.": Fashion and the domestication of the mobile
telephone among teens in Norway."
·       Ling, R. and P. Helmersen (2000). It must be necessary, it has to
cover a
need": The adoption of mobile telephony among pre-adolescents and
adolescents. conference on the social consequences of mobile telephony,
Oslo, Norway.
·       Ling, R. and B. Yttri (1999). Nobody Sits at Home and Waits for the
Telephone to Ring: Micro and Hyper-Coordination Through the Use of the
Mobile Phone, Telenor Research and Development.
Murtagh, G. M. (2001). Seeing the "Rules": Preliminary Observations of
Action, Interaction and Mobile Phone Use. Wireless World: Social and
Interactional Aspects of the Mobile Age. B. Brown, N. Green and R. Harper.
Longon, Springer.

O'Hara, K., M. Perry, et al. (2001). Exploring the Relationship between
Mobile Phone and Document Activity During Business Travel. Wireless World:
Social and Interactional Aspects of the Mobile Age. B. Brown, N. Green and
R. Harper. London, United Kingdom, Springer.

Oksman, V. and P. Rautiainen (2001 [in press]). Extension of the Hand.
Children's and Teenager's Relationship with the Mobile Phone. A Case Study
of Finland. The Human Body Between Technologies, Communication and Fashion.
L. e. T. H. B. B. T. Fortunati. Milano, Italy, FrancoAngeli.

Oksman, V. and P. Rautiainen (2002 [in press]). Perhaps It Is a Body Part.
How the Mobile Phone Became an Organic Part of the Everyday Lives of
Children and Adolescents. A Case Study of Finland. Machines That Become Us.
J. E. Katz.

Palen, L. and M. Salzman (2001). Welcome to the Wireless World: Problems
Using and Understanding Mobile Telephony. Wireless World: Social and
Interactional Aspects of the Mobile Age. B. Brown, N. Green and R. Harper.
London, United Kingdom, Springer.

Palen, L., M. Salzman, et al. (2000). Going Wireless: Behavior and Practice
of New Mobile Phone Users. ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative
Work (CSCW), Philadelphia, PA, USA, ACM Press.

Plant, S. (2001). On the Mobile: The Effects of Mobile Telephones on Social
and Individual Life. Motorola.

Rakow, L. (1993). "Remote Mothering and the Parallel Shift: Women Meet the
Cellular Telephone." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 10(2): 144-157.

Rautiainen, P. and E.-L. Kasesniemi (2000). Mobile Communication of
Children and Teenagers Case: Finland 1997-2000. Proceedings of the Workshop
on "The Social Consequences of Mobile Telephony: The Proceedings from a
Seminar about Society, Mobile Telephony and Children", Oslo, Norway.

Rippon, A. and A. Ward (2000). I'm On Me Mobile. London, Robson Books.

Robinson, I. and A. Delahooke (2001). Fabricating Friendships: The
Ordinariness of Agency in the Social Use of an Everyday Medical Technology
in the School Lives of Children. Children, Technology and Culture: The
Impacts of Technologies in Children's Everyday Lives. I. Hutchby and J.
Moran-Ellis, Routledge.

Sherry, J. and T. Salvador (2001). Running and Grimacing: The Struggle for
Balance in Mobile Work. Wireless World: Social and Interactional Aspects of
the Mobile Age. B. Brown, N. Green and R. Harper. London, United Kingdom,

Sibley, D. (1995). Families and Domestic Routines: Constructing the
Boundaires of Childhood. Mapping the Subject: Geographies of Cultural
Transformation. S. Pile and N. Thrift, Routledge.

Smith, Sean (2001). Connected to the Network: The Semiotics, Sociology and
Political Economy of Mobile Telecommunications in Australia. Ph.D
Dissertation, University of Queensland, 2001, Austrialia.

Smith, Steve (2001). "You Lose Your Mobile, You Lose Everything": An
Exploratory Study of Mobile Phones, Sexuality, Gender and Space. Social
Research Methods. Guilford, United Kingdom, University of Surrey.

Townsend, A. M. (2001). Mobile Communication in the Twenty-First Century.
Wireless World: Social and Interactional Aspects of the Mobile Age. B.
Brown, N. Green and R. Harper. London, United Kingdom, Springer.

Weilenmann, A. and C. Larsson (2001). Local Use and Sharing of Mobile
Phones. Wireless World: Social and Interactional Aspects of the Mobile Age.
B. Brown, N. Green and R. Harper. London, United Kingdom, Springer.

Sean Smith
Research Fellow, Mobile Technologies,
Department of Sociology,
University of Surrey.
ph: +44 (0)1483 686 966
m:  +44 (0)7786 511 042


Jonathan Lillie wrote:

> Does anyone know of any work, books, articles, etc...or work in progress
> taking a critical cultural or similar approach to studying mobile
> communication issues, PDAs, Thrid Generation wireless etc?
> There seems to be tons of computer science types working on tech issues,
> and people writing on 3G policy and information society, but have can't
> find much else.
> Thanks, Jonathan
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Robert Luke, PhD Candidate
Educational Technology Coordinator
University of Toronto
School of Continuing Studies
158 St. George Street Toronto Ontario M5S 2V8
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