[Air-l] technology as social status symbols

Yvonne Waern waern at dsv.su.se
Thu Apr 11 12:11:18 PDT 2002

Sorry to be so late in answering, but I detected that this notice 
concerned mobile phones.  In the home country of Nokia, of course 
there are several researchers investigating the use of mobile phones.

In particular, they have investigated how children up to teen-agers 
use them. A very interesting report, that is under way, I guess. I 
listened to a presentation. I guess it might be found under Nokia 

In Sweden, there is also research under way. In particular, Bo 
Dahlbom and his research group at the "Victoria institute" are doing 
a lot of working under the heading of "mobile communication, work, 
etc.". I have one name there to start with, i.e. Urban Nulden 
<nulden at viktoria.informatik.gu.se>.

Sorry not to have more precise references, hope you find what you need.

All the best,

>>>>  myildiz at indiana.edu 04-Apr-02 11:19:58 PM >>>
>>     2. Technology as social status symbols (Patrick B. O'Sullivan)
>In my home country Turkey, I remember reading a couple of news stories
>about cutting edge cell phones being status symbols, but I have not
>seen any scholarly work on it.
>Mete Yildiz
>School of Public and Environmental Affairs
>Bloomington, IN
Yvonne Waern
Ph.D., Professor
Department of Communication Studies
Linkoeping University
SE 581 83 Linkoeping
e-mail: yvonne.waern at tema.liu.se

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