[Air-l] What is Instant Messaging

Karim R. Lakhani lakhani at MIT.EDU
Tue Dec 24 15:07:51 PST 2002

look at commands like zlocate and znol --> not quite peripheral 
awareness but almost there....


also how to hide from zephyr

and alerts like:
Here is a partial list of instances belonging to class message. Note 
that none of these instances are officially sanctioned.

personal User to user messages.
urgent Urgent user messages.
proverb Proverb every hour.
weather Weather report on the half hour.
xconq Messages concerning the xconq game, especially finding opponents.
boggle Automatic message when someone starts playing mboggle.
hunt Automatic message when someone starts playing hunt.
consult Consultant messages for consultant communication.
sipb Questions, answers, and discussions involving SIPB (Student 
Information Processing Board) members.
watchmaker Technical discussions about Athena. Watchmakers are student 
programmers employed by Athena system development.
white-magic Random discussions, hard to define. Listen in if you're not 
too busy. A voluminous instance.

Quentin (Gad) Jones wrote:
>  From all the articles I have read Zephyr did not have anything like a 
> simple pop up list that showed a list of buddies at one time that could 
> be kept up as a peripheral awareness display which showed online status 
> of users.  If this is incorrect could you direct me to a source where I 
> could read more, and see what the user interface looked like.  This is 
> the type of stuff we are starting to teach at NJIT.  I have access to a 
> great compilation video going back 30+ years showing what windowing and 
> scrolling looked like and there is a lot to be learnt from it.  Nothing 
> like that appears to exist for IM features.
> Just to make it clear how important a feature peripheral awareness is a 
> a distinct function I would recommend (UNFORTUNATELY :-) looking at a 
> recent CSCW paper on a new Microsoft product.
> Designing and Deploying an Information Awareness Interface.   JJ Cadiz, 
> Gina Danielle Venolia, Gavin Jancke, and Anoop Gupta.  Proceedings of 
> the 2002 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2002).
> ftp://ftp.research.microsoft.com/pub/tr/tr-2002-87.pdf
> While it of course ignores all commercial IM efforts other than 
> Microsoft's it does review the literature quite well.
> Quentin
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Karim R. Lakhani
MIT Sloan School of Management
MIT Free/Open Source Software Research Project
e-mail: lakhani at mit.edu
voice:  617-851-1224
fax:    617-344-0403

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