[Air-l] Improving IP connectivity in LDCs - Workshop

Sarrocco, Claudia claudia.sarrocco at itu.int
Tue Feb 5 02:10:12 PST 2002

Dear Mr Abramson,

The International Telecommunication Union, in the framework of its New
Initiatives Programme, is organizing an expert workshop to examine the
feasibility of a project to promote IP connectivity in the Least Developed
Countries. It will be held at ITU headquarters in Geneva, starting on
Thursday 11 April in the afternoon, and continuing on Friday April 12. The
workshop will provide an opportunity for representatives from the public and
private sectors, as well NGOs and other development professionals, to
discuss the proposal, provide new input, and explore the possible
contribution of the international community.

The background study, together with other information and links, can be
found at: www.itu.int/ipdc.

It would give us great pleasure if you could participate in the workshop, in
view of your interest in Internet networks and infrastructures for global
communications. The project would certainly benefit greatly from your
experience and inputs. 

If you are interested in participating, or would like more information,
please contact me at: claudia.sarrocco at itu.int.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards,
Claudia Sarrocco

Claudia Sarrocco
Strategy and Policy Unit
International Telecommunication Union 
Place des Nations, 
1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41 (0)22 730 6301 
Fax: +41 (0)22 730 6453
e-mail: claudia.sarrocco at itu.int

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