Wendy Robinson
wgrobin at duke.edu
Fri Feb 22 14:20:21 PST 2002
FYI: Last year's "Mobilize!" conf looked quite intriguing. But I'm just
the messenger. If interested in the CFP, please reply to the address below.
>The Digital World Research Centre
>17th-18th July 2002
>Digital World Research Centre
>University of Surrey
>United Kingdom
>Conference Theme: Location! Location! Location!
>The conference will bring together researchers from different disciplines
>and sectors interested in the relationship between location and mobile
>Location is one of the driving topics within the mobile industry, but it can
>mean very different things. It can imply services and applications, but it
>can also have implications for the form factors of future location-sensitive
>mobile technologies. There are also public and private locations with
>appropriate codes of behaviour in each. Mobile devices may impact these
>codes, and may ultimately introduce changes in cultural practices. On a
>larger scale, mobile technologies may impact geography, and the way we
>inhabit and perceive urban and non-urban spaces.
>Little research has been reported that does more than make conjectures about
>what location-based services and form factors might be, or which points
>toward the changes in cultural practices that the alteration of public and
>private space might be creating. It is in this context that this conference
>will bring together leading academic and commercial researchers to report on
>the latest empirical and conceptual research in the general area of
>location. The conference will be of interest to researchers in sociology,
>anthropology, psychology, HCI-CHI, CSCW, design, urban studies, media
>studies, and geography. This conference may also be of interest to those who
>work in organisations that provide location-based services, and those that
>provide the hardware and networks for such services.
>A selection of the proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag.
>Themes of interest include:
>- Working and Domestic Life
>- Space, Time and Mobility
>- Public and Private Spaces & Behaviour
>- Usability
>- Design and Form Factors of Mobile Technologies
>- Modalities of Communication and Interaction
>- Consumption, Media and Culture
>- Cross-Cultural Studies
>- Comparative Technologies
>- Organisation and Industry
>Call for Papers
>Deadline for submission of papers is 25th April. Notification of acceptance
>will be sent in 10th May. Final versions of paper will be due 14th June. A
>selection of papers will be submitted for publication as a book in
>A restricted-access website and a Bulletin Board will be established on the
>DWRC website for announcements, timetable updates, and discussion.
>Important Dates
>25th April 2002 Deadline for Conference Paper Submission
>10th May 2002 Notification of Acceptance
>14th June Final versions
>7th July Proceedings posted on DWRC Website
>31st May Registration deadline
>Prof. Richard Harper and/or Dr Amparo Lasen
>Digital World Research Centre
>University of Surrey
>Surrey GU2 7XH
>United Kingdom
>Telephone: (+44) (0) 1483 689446
>Fax: (+44) (0) 1483 689550
>email: r.harper at surrey.ac.uk
> a.lasen at surrey.ac.uk
> dwrc at surrey.ac.uk
>Website: www.surrey.ac.uk/dwrc/wireless3.html
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