[Air-l] Have you received something like this?

Sean Cubitt seanc at waikato.ac.nz
Thu Feb 7 10:45:11 PST 2002

There has been some correspondence on the Nigerian scam on Nettime. I got
my first of these back in the mid 90s. I wroite back to 'george' telling
him/her he/she is an idiot to believe there's anyone left who hasn't heard
about the nigerian scam. Hotmail, eh?


Sean Cubitt
Screen and Media Studies
Akoranga Whakaata Pürongo
The University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105
New Zealand
T (direct) +64 (0)7 856 2889 extension 8604
T/F (department) +64 (0)7 838 4543
seanc at waikato.ac.nz

Digital Aesthetics
The Dundee Seminars

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