[Air-l] references on gender, age, support & info tech use

Joan Korenman korenman at umbc.edu
Tue Feb 19 17:01:36 PST 2002

--On Tuesday, February 19, 2002 3:21 PM -0500 Eszter Hargittai 
<eszter at phoenix.Princeton.EDU> wrote:

> A few weeks ago I asked for references to work on gender, age and
> the importance of social support in the use of information
> technologies. Here's a list of materials to which people (from this
> and some other lists) pointed me and additional pieces I found
> while doing more research on the topic.  Thanks to all those who
> sent me suggestions!

One more suggestion: the Center for Women & Information Technology 
has a rather extensive bibliography of books and special journal 
issues dealing with women and information technology.  The 
entries--currently more than 120--are accompanied by links to 
reviews, tables of contents, author interviews, web sites, etc., so 
that people can get a more adequate idea of whether a work will be of 
interest.   You can find the bibliography at 
http://www.umbc.edu/cwit/cwitbooks.html .


        Joan Korenman, Director
        Center for Women & Information Technology
        University of Maryland, Baltimore County
        Baltimore, MD 21250  USA
        korenman at umbc.edu

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