[Air-l] RE: Mobile Phone Research

Kumiko Aoki, Ph.D. kaoki at bu.edu
Fri Jan 25 11:18:50 PST 2002

> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 17:18:36 +0000
> From: Nalini Kotamraju <nalinik at socrates.berkeley.edu>
> To: <air-l at aoir.org>, <avishwan at indiana.edu>
> Subject: [Air-l] Re: Mobile Phone Research
> Reply-To: air-l at aoir.org
> I am currently working on a comparative (US and UK) study of
> teenagers' use
> of mobile phones and I've outputted my Endnote file onto a web page.
> Mobile Phones/SMS/Text Messaging
> http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~nalinik/mobile.html
> Most of the research is not US-specific, but may still be of use
> to you and
> others. I'm always looking for additions, so if anyone has references to
> add, I'm pleased to hear about them.

I am also working on a comparative (US and Japan) study of adolescents' use
of wireless phones.
I greatly appreciate your sharing of your bibliography.  I have some
additions though some of them may be a bit dated and not related to
behavioral aspects of wireless phone use:

Beaubrun, R. and Pierre, S. (2001). Technological developments and
socio-economic issues of wireless mobile communications. _Telematics and
Informatics_, 18, 143-158.

Ishii, K. (1996). PHS: revolutionalizing personal communication in Japan.
_Telecommunications Policy_, 20(7), 497-506.

Leung, L. and Wei, R. (1998). The gratifications of pager use: sociability,
information-seeking, entertainment, utility, and fashion and status.
_Telematics and Informatics_, 15, 253-264.

Katz, J. E. (1997). Social and organizational consequences of wireless
communications: A selective analysis of residential and business sectors in
the United States. _Telematics and Informatics_, 14 (3), 223-256.

Web Connection. (2000). The Asian-led wireless world.  Available through
request to Frank Yu [Frank_Yu at Post.Harvard.Edu]

Wei, R. and Leung, L. (1999). Blurring public and private behaviors in
public space: policy challenges in the use and improper use of the cell
phone. _Telematics and Informatics_, 16, 11-26.

Woo, K., and Fock, H.K.Y. (1999). Customer satisfaction in the Hong Kong
Mobile Phone Industry. _The Service Industries Journal_, 19(3), 162-174.

Kumiko Aoki, Ph.D.
Associate Director of Communication Research Center
Assistant Professor of Communication
Boston University
640 Commonwealth Ave.
Boston, MA 02215
tel: 617/358-1305
fax: 617/358-1301
email: kaoki at bu.edu
homepage: http://people.bu.edu/kaoki

"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."

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