[Air-l] Blogging info

JASON NOLAN jason.nolan at utoronto.ca
Thu Jan 31 10:57:13 PST 2002

>Today's Topics:
>    1. Blogging (Jeremy Crampton)
>    2. RE: Blogging (Cem Timurkan)
>    3. re: introduction (Lachlan Brown)
>    4. RE: Technology in Hollywood - Summary (Bunz, Ulla K)
>    5. Re: re: introduction (Ben Davidson)
>    6. RE: Technology in Hollywood - Summary (Frank Schaap)

Hi Everyone;

My first post to AoIR. Hello everyone! I'm on the organizing 
committee for the AoIR conference in Toronto, so I'll probably end up 
posting more as the time goes on.

Thanks to Barry Wellman for pointing out this strand to me, or I may 
not have noticed for a couple of days. I've been playing about with 
blogging for a couple of years. I run or coordinate about 15-20 
blogs, and am coordinating some doctoral research into teacher 
professionalization using Blogs as data collection tools, and have 
run/helped run blogs with secondary, undergrad and graduate classes. 
I'm presently heading a team putting together an educationally 
focused blogging software tool called Edublog (Edublog.com) and we're 
in early beta testing of the tool. Members of our edublog team have 
used, or are using most of the major (and some of the minor) blogging 
tools (blogger.com, Livejournal.com (deadjournal.com), greymatter 
(noahgrey.com/greysoft/ now greylogs.com) thraxil.dhs.org).  For a 
good overview on blogging for writers, have a look at a short article 
published this month in E2k (www.netauthor.org/e2k/) called " Ceci 
n'est pas un blog!". One of my research assistants has spent the year 
putting together a wonderful blog listing  all the articles on 
blogging she could find on the net. The list is chronological as she 
found them, and she's presently organizing them into groups. The list 
is at http://edublog.forestry.utoronto.ca/~laurel/ (this address will 
change to edublog.org/~laurel pretty soon, and the old address will 
not work after around May 2002). There is also some blogging info in 
"A report on Future Trends for Online Learning Environments in North 
America" (http://achieve.utoronto.ca/papers/VivendiReport.html)

If anyone's doing work in blogs, or wants to be kept informed on what 
we're doing, please email me.

Hope this helps, and stimulates some discussion on what is, to me, 
one of the coolest things going on on the net.


Oh, my blog is jasonnolan.net ;-)
Jason Nolan PhD   
Scholar in Residence,
Knowledge Media Design Institute
University of Toronto
ICQ: 6238593

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