[Air-l] Re: Flame Wars
Nancy Baym
nbaym at ku.edu
Sun Jan 13 09:08:11 PST 2002
Since no one has mentioned it, let me offer this reference regarding
flaming published WAY BACK in the dark ages! They argue a number of
things, including that there is no good definition, that flaming is
normative rather than medium-caused, and that flaming is probably no
more common online than off but that people think it is because it is
more _visible_ online than off (and they offer a number of compelling
reasons this is so). I haven't seen a better piece on the topic than
this one...
Lea, M., O'Shea, T., Fung, P., & Spears, R. (1992). 'Flaming' in
computer-mediated communication: observations, explanations,
implications. In M. Lea (Ed.), Contexts of computer-mediated
communication, (pp. 89-112). London: Harvester-Wheatsheaf.
The best definition I have found so far is Walther et al. (1994) who,
in a meta-analysis, defined flaming operationally as name calling,
swearing, insults, impolite statements, threats and put-downs, crude
flirtations of a demeaning or sexually explicit nature, and attacks
on groups or individuals
Walther, J. B., Anderson, J. F., & Park, D. (1994). Interpersonal
effects in computer-mediated interaction: A meta-analysis of social
and anti-social communication. Communication research, 21, 460-487.
I've always wanted to see a comparative analysis of flaming online
vs. behind the wheel of a car. Talk about a medium that causes
anonymity and hostility! I'll take computers over cars any day!
Nancy Baym
nbaym at ku.edu
Communication Studies, University of Kansas
102 Bailey, 1440 Jayhawk Blvd., Lawrence, KS 66045, USA
Association of Internet Researchers: http://aoir.org
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