[Air-l] Fwd: call for contributions

Sean Cubitt seanc at waikato.ac.nz
Mon Jan 28 15:18:20 PST 2002

>Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 17:42:44 +0100
>From: Bernd Hamm <hamm at UNI-TRIER.DE>
>Subject: call for contributions
>Sender: World Futures Studies Federation list <WFSF-L at lists.nau.edu>
>To: WFSF-L at lists.nau.edu
>X-CC: huettel at uni-trier.de
>Reply-to: World Futures Studies Federation list <WFSF-L at lists.nau.edu>
>Priority: normal
>Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>Content-description: Mail message body
>Dear friends,
>together with friends from the history of arts department I am
>planning an international conference on Cultural Imperialism. A call
>for contributions is attached for your information. We are optimistic
>that the European Commissioner for Culture will accept our
>proposal for funding and that the Commissioner herself may
>The first half-day session (october 18, morning) will be dedicated to
>the history of cultural imperialism. We are planning two key
>lectures: Pontus Hultén, the director of the Centre Pompidou in
>Paris, and Ashis Nandy.
>The second session will deal with cultural imperialism in our times,
>and one of the two key note speakers invited is Hilmar Hoffmann,
>president of the Goethe Institute. The second key-note speaker
>(invited) is Edward Said. The third session is about
>alternatives, with Johan Galtung as one of the two key note
>Please do not hesitate to distribute the announcement among
>interested people.
Conference on
Cultural Imperialism
October 17-20, 2002, Trier, Germany

A two-day conference is being planned to be held in fall 2002 in 
Trier, Germany, on Cultural Imperialism.

Contributions are invited from all relevant fields including history 
of arts, architecture, history, popular music, the media, advertising 
and PR, sociology, economics, political lobbying, WTO-GATS, food, 
education, linguistics and others. Publication of the proceedings is 

The Conference on Cultural Imperialism (working title) will begin on 
Thursday october 17, 2002, with diner and perhaps a first evening 
session. We will have two working days, Friday 18 and Saturday  19, 
and participants will depart on Sunday 20 october after  breakfast. 
The venue is Robert Schuman House, Trier, a well-equipped new 
conference center above the city of Trier where participants will 
also stay overnight. At this moment we think about a more 
symposium-like beginning (Friday) aiming at sorting out the multiple 
facets of cultural imperialism and pulling strings together, and a 
public event on Saturday aiming at media coverage. We will have three 
blocks for discussion: (1) Cultural imperialism in history,(2) 
present cultural imperialism, its different aspects, working 
mechanisms and effects, and (3) what are alternatives (including
European positions in WTO, IMF etc.).

Workling languages will be German, English and French, with 
simultaneous translation. A maximum of 50  participants are expected 
from all parts of the world. We will try our best to raise funds for 
travel refunding and for hosting participants.

So if you are interested, please reserve these dates in your agenda 
and send in your abstract in German or English, not more than 300 
words, as soon as you have made up your  mind. Deadline for abstracts 
is end of march 2002. Please pass this information on to other people 
who might be interested.

Bernd Hamm
Jean Monnet Professor of European Studies
Director, Center for European Studies
University of Trier, D 54286 Trier, Germany
Tel. +49-651-201.27.27, Fax 201.39.30
e-mail hamm at uni-trier.de
Sean Cubitt
Screen and Media Studies,
Akoranga Whakaata Pürongo
University of Waikato,
Private Bag 3105,
New Zealand
T: Dept: +64 (0)7 838 4543
T: Direct: +64 (0)7 856 2289 ext 8604
F: +64 (0)7 838 4767
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