[Air-l] New Theoretical Approaches to the Self in Cyber-Culture

Frank Schaap architext at fragment.nl
Mon Jan 21 14:49:20 PST 2002

Cristian wrote:
> Are you thoeorizing that the behaviour of a person, reflected in the
> cyberspace, can configure a "self" with owned characteristics?
> Seems to be extremelly interesting that, a new environment like the
> cuyberspace might let a human being put his "self" into virtual space and
> express elements of his personality that are well hidden in the real
> world, up to the point to configure a new "self".
> If I am through the right track, pls let me know as I belong to a
> psychologists network and many would be very interested into the topic.

well, you could of course start with Sherry Turkle's 1995 book, _Life on the
Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet_, that kinda seems up your alley.

most of the stuff out there on MUDs (including my thesis) and some of the
stuff on IRC deals with performing or playing with identity and/or aspects of
identity, including gender.


The Cyberculture, Identity and Gender Resources
==> http://fragment.nl/resources/

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