[Air-l] Re: Porn spam

Frank Schaap architext at fragment.nl
Tue Jan 15 02:04:20 PST 2002

Marj wrote:
> Having done research into Internet Porn for some years I receive quite a
> bit of porn spam, though I have never (voluntarily) given my email address
> at any of these sites.

> I was amused to receive one addressed to "The adult site surfers at the
> University of Newcastle" with a dozen or more names and email addresses in
> the header.  I thought briefly about contacting the others - all male -
> some well known to me and in areas like aviation and chemistry, to discuss
> our mutual 'research' interests.

I've read many different explanations about how spammers get their fingers
on your (an) e-mail address.

However, if you've never given out your (work) e-mail address AND the
pornspam (the pinky almost-fake fleshness of spam makes this neologism all
the more icky!) is targeted so precisely that they send it to specific
persons at the UofN, then this warrants the question: HOW the heck did they
gather this set of e-mail addresses including yours?

If there is no satisfactory technological answer, maybe a university sysop
is making some money on the side by looking at logfiles...?

Did you run the message through Spamcop.net or similar service to see where
it came from?



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