[Air-l] Great Ethical disasters in Internet Research?

Frank frank.thomasftr at free.fr
Wed Jul 10 12:25:12 PDT 2002

Dr. Mann,

what made Rimm's Cyberporn study unethical ? I don't know that study but 
before judging I'd like to have some objectives, some scales linked to 
the objectives, tec.

Dr. Frank Thomas

Dr Chris Mann a écrit:

>Summer quiz!!! Chris Mann and Christian Sandvig are enlivening a rainy
>day here at the Oxford Internet Institute trying to remember - and to
>list in order of notoriety -examples of internet research that are
>generally considered to be ethically unsound.(Martin Rimm's 1995
>Cyberporn study might be an example)
> Does anyone want to make any suggestions?? We're thinking that the
>Ethics Working Committee might find such a list useful when they meet up
>at Maastricht - it might prove easier to know what to avoid than to
>define best practice for working ethically online!
>Chris and Christian
>Air-l mailing list
>Air-l at aoir.org

Frank Thomas
FTR Internet Research
321, boulevard de la Boissière
93110 Rosny-sous-Bois
tél. 0033.

mailto: Frank.ThomasFTR at free.fr

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