[Air-l] Invitation to MOBILE HCI2002 - Workshop "Main Issues in Designing Interactive Mobile Services"

Stefania stefania at marcoli.it
Tue Jun 11 13:33:56 PDT 2002

Workshop "Main Issues in Designing Interactive Mobile Services"
17 September 2002, Pisa, Italy, in conjunction to Mobile HCI '02 

The new 3G communications technology providing mobile access to context-dependent services will strongly enhance and extend communication possibilities in mobility.
Therefore, new design approaches, HF studies, behavioural theories and evaluation techniques must arise in order to be able to design interactive mobile artefacts that provide the user with a positive experience.
The workshop intends to explore and analyse the main aspects in the design of scenarios of context dependent services for the incoming 3G mobile communication technologies. It is designed as a one-day practical activity with relevant theoretical discussion, ending with a poster design session.

Development of a HF research agenda for this specific issue of interaction with mobile devices, to identify and extend the research community in this topic. Moreover, to sensitise designers to the particular interaction-design issues in these kind of communication scenarios (mobile and contextual learning models, interface evaluation, 

Background of the perspective participants
The workshop is intended for practitioners working in the wireless industry (telcos, device manufacturers, service providers, etc.) and for HF academics and students with interests in human computer interaction, technology-enhanced learning and mobile interaction. Participants will be asked to submit a brief position paper of 2-4 pages, or a reference to a mobile product/project in which they have been involved. Participants will be selected on the basis of their interest in and familiarity with the topic.

Detailed description of workshop
Participants will be invited to choose a format of context-dependent mobile service and hypothesise a scenario of use (mainly when he is 'on the move' - e.g. in a train, using a pocket PC or a mobile phone) that will enhance users' interactive experience with their mobile devices. 
Once the usage scenario is well defined, participants will required to know (assume) the expectations, limitations and behaviour of mobile users and design appropriate interaction models. Trans-cultural adaptability and ethic aspects will be analysed. Good communication with the service provider is a key factor to add value to the user, possibly involving personalized services. A coerent and relevant multi-channel identity, for example with related website, will be analysed to ensure user's fidelity. 
Interface's usability will be tested according to: 
- learnability 
- users' satisfaction 
- users' expectations and perceived value of the services provided 
- speed in task completion 
- number of irreversible mistakes 
- level of interaction enabled 

How to participate
Applicants for participation are asked to send a position paper (max. 4pages) in PDF (TXT or RTF) format to a.c.roibas at brighton.ac.uk

Deadline for submission is July 1, 2002. 

Participants will get feedback by July 10, 2002 to allow for early registration.

Registration to the workshop is required. For details and fee see Mobile HCI 2002 web site: http://giove.cnuce.cnr.it/mobilehci02.html

Program Committee 
Anxo Cereijo Roibás, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK
A.C.Roibas at bton.ac.uk

Stefania Marcoli, E-TREE, Treviso, Italy
smarcoli at e-tree.com

In collaboration with:
Giorgio Da Bormida, GIUNTI Ricerca, MOBIlearn project, Genoa, Italy
g.dabormida at giuntilabs.com

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