[Air-l] Re: feedback evaluating websites

Joyce.Lamerichs at Alg.VLK.WAU.NL Joyce.Lamerichs at Alg.VLK.WAU.NL
Sat Jun 8 04:42:50 PDT 2002

Dear all,

I received a lot of information, regarding the evaluation of websites.An overview is provided below.I have adapted peoplesÀ replies to provide a condensed overview for the list.

thank you very much for your feedback!

Joyce Lamerichs
Communication and Innovation Studies
Wageningen University

Rice, R.E. & Katz, J.E. (Eds.) (2001). The Internet and HealthCommunication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Rice, R.E. & Atkin, C. (Eds.) (2001). Public Communication Campaigns, 3rded. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE
(chapters with references to prior academic web site evaluations on evaluating health web sites in)

Preece, Rogers and Sharp (2002) "InteractionDesign: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction. John Wiley $ Sons" (www.id-book.com) One third of this book is about evaluation, of which a fair amount deals specifically with the Web (from the field of Human-Computer Interaction)

Krug, Steve.  Don't Make Me Think ISBN 0-7897-2310-7
Flanders, Vincent.  Web Pages That Suck ISBN 0-7821-4020-3

Lisa Nakamura's work on Cybernetic Tourism and David Silver's work on the Blacksburg Community Network (in Kolko, Nakamura and Rodman "Race in Cyberspace").  (analysis of marginalized group representation or non-representation online/ provides a good framework for similar analysis)

Mary E. Virnoche. Science, Technology and Human Values, "The Seamless Web and Communications Equity..." 1998. 23:199-220. It provides a framework for analyzing community network decision making, part of which includes the types of interface design and content developed -- couched in a discussion of designing for democracy.

Two references on useability and access issues. The first is bibliographic. The second more geared to student work. 

An analysis of telecenter Web sites that looked for more than usability features - the paper was just for a seminar, but the data analysis section might give you some ideas for your students. It's here: http://php.indiana.edu/~ccourtri/TelecenterHomePages.pdf

Gill, H. S. & Yates Mercer, P. (1998). The dissemination of information by local authorities on the World Wide Web. Journalof Information Science, 24(2), 105-115. See (http://www.brent.gov.uk/) or(http://www.dorset-cc.gov.uk/). (The author may be contacted by electronic mail at paym at soi.city.ac.uk). (Original abstract)

See also : http://www.ux1.eiu.edu/~cfmgb/web.htm> 

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