[Air-l] RE: CI/CN Mini-Conference: Second Call

Michael Gurstein mgurst at vcn.bc.ca
Wed Jun 26 14:27:05 PDT 2002

Community Informatics/Community Networking Research
Montreal, Canada, Oct. 8, 2002
(Second Call: Note Revisions)

At the recent 'Shaping the Network Society' Conference in Seattle sponsored
by CPSR (Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility,
http://www.cpsr.org, it was agreed to organize a day long Mini-Conference on
Community Informatics/Community Networking Research on Oct. 8 in Montreal,
Canada in conjunction with the World Forum on Community Networks (Oct.7-
12 ) <http://globalcn2002.ca>  This is a follow-on to a successful series of
research panels organized in conjunction with the Global Congress of
Community Networks held in Buenos Aires, Argentina,
<http://globalcn2001.org>  in December 2001.

Interested researchers are invited to submit proposals, short position
statements, posters, panel sessions, project reports,and/or completed papers
for peer review for presentation at the conference and for possible future
publication as proceedings or as a special issue of an appropriate journal
(remembering that space and time for this event is severely limited).  As
appropriate, research panels, workshops, and other presentation/discussion
formats will be made available. It is also the intention to work initiate a
more formalized research CI/CN research network at this meeting.

"Community Informatics" is understood as being the study of the use of
Information and Communications Technologies to enable community processes
and "Community Networking" is understood as the study of community networks,
their development, operation and their influence in support of community
processes and community empowerment.

Among the topics which will be included are:
1.	Theoretical background to CI/CN
a.	Computer Supported Collaborative Work
b.	Human Computer Interface Studies
c.	Social Informatics
d.	Social Shaping of Technology/Actor Network Theory
2.	Review of Existing Research
a.	Meta-analysis of CI/CN oriented project/program research
b.	Meta-evaluation and evaluation strategies for CI/CN project research
c.	Methodologies for research
3.	Community based E-health initiatives
4.	Community networks, community technology centers, telecentres and public
access facilities
5.	Community based E-enabled environmental and resource management and
advocacy initiatives
6.	Locally based E-Commerce and E-enabled local/community economic
7.	E-enabled neighborhood management and advocacy initiatives (GIS)
8.	Community based E-advocacy initiatives
9.	CI/CN and civic authorities/civic development
10.	CI/CN oriented software and hardware R&D
11.	CI/CN and Open Source
12.	CI/CN and public policy including global ICT for development initiatives
13.	CI/CN and development in Less Developed Countries
14.	CI/CN and national (information infrastructure) policies and programs"
15.	CI/CN possibilities, principles and liberatory visions.

Travel funding will not be available for participation in this conference.
Local arrangements will be provided through a grant from the U.S. National
Science Foundation.

Proposals should be received no later than July 15 and are to be sent to:

Dra. Susana Finquelievich
Secretaria de Investigacion
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
Universidad de Buenos Aires
sfinquel at mail.fsoc.uba.ar

Michael Gurstein, Ph.D.
(Visiting) Professor: School of Management
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, NJ
gurstein at njit.edu

Additional information can be obtained from the (ad hoc) steering group for
this mini-conference:

Michael Bieber, NJIT, USA -- bieber at homer.njit.edu
Fiorella de Cindio, U. of Milan, Italy --
fiorella.de.cindio at rcm.dsi.unimi.it
Andrew Clement, U. of Toronto, Canada -- clement at fis.utoronto.ca
Peter Day, U. of Brighton, UK -- P.Day at btinternet.com
Peter Mambrey, Germany -- mambrey at fit.fraunhofer.de
Michel Menou, City Univerity London, UK -- Michel.Menou at wanadoo.fr
Ken Pigg, U. of Missouri, USA -- PiggK at missouri.edu
<mailto:PiggK at missouri.edu>
Doug Schuler, The Evergreen State College, USA -- Douglas at scn.org
Wal Taylor, Central Queensland U., Australia -- w.taylor at cqu.edu.au

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