[Air-l] SKILL SHORTAGE : e.learning @LIS CALL 2002

Paolo Manzelli lre at unifi.it
Fri Jun 21 09:10:24 PDT 2002

SKILL SHORTAGE : e.learning @LIS CALL 2002

1) First Blue Print Proposal  (2002/06/20)

1.1 )INFORMATION :  @LIS EU-Call – Dead Line 31-OCT-2002- Search For partners

Dear Potential Partners,

the SKILL SHORTAGE e:learning Proposal to @LIS CALL lanced by  the
LRE-EGOCreaNET of the “University of Florence” (2) aims to develop an EU-AL
Alliance keeping the Technological Information Society  and the changes of
global economy as well as an opportunity for improving the development of Human
Resource Potential.


The logical framework basis of the SKILL SHORTAGE pilot project for “e.learning
in cultural
diversity context”, will finalized to bridge the gap between intellectual
employment and the development of the post industrial society i.e. the Knowledge
driven Economy improving new options for intellectual career choices in
vocational and on the job permanent education .

Mission of the SKILL SHORTAGE pilot project  will be the development of   ITC
e-strategies of Net-Learning,  in order to innovate and mobilize  Knowledge
Management resources in a e.democracy way of development  that  will be the
richness of Nations in the III° Millennium

Working for the above mission the LRE/EGO-CreaNET is convinced that the mutual
interactivity  in shared knowledge society strengthening ties among inter
institutional public private  co-operation will extend the benefits of
Information Society ,  reinforcing  national and sub-national co-operation. The
above will be extremely useful  especially for SME’s development in Knowledge
Driven Society favouring investments and competition to extend benefits of
Information Society to all the population.

Therefore we look forward to implement an open network in e.learning  between
partners of Europe and Latin America emphasizing that the WWW  linkages for
powering the developmental dialogue among different cultures it will  generate
a strong effort to solve common   developmental endeavours .

NOTE 1:  Following the above finality the  Group LRE/EGO-CreaNET  would like to
send to “potential partners” the first BLUE PRINT for improving the Memorandum
of Understanding (MoU) among partners that you can better and modify to find all
together a final e. Agreement .
A second Blue Print of the partnership e. agreement will be proposed for clarify
the participative methods  and rules for e.work improvement of intervention
strategies , see for instance a previous MoU e. agreement proposal developed for
another project Business Labour University for Electronic Society (BLUe.S) by
the LRE-EGO-CreaNET . (3)


- FIRST BLUE PRINT  of strategic vision  for improving a preliminary  e.
among partners that after would like to debate and sign  the Memorandum of
Understanding  (2002/ 06/ 20)

  Specific objectives will be :

  °  Encouraging the Europe- Latin America co-operation  by means
establishing   public &  private alliances and on-line interconnection framework
among University and SME’s related to the development of the networking
knowledge management net –learning “e.strategies”  in cultural diversity
scenario based on a comparative international perspective.

  ° Bridging the gap between intellectual unemployment and  new professional
SKILL BUILDING in the field of vocational education and also in the field of
SKILL LEVERAGING  for on the job education, developing  net-learning high
quality “e.strategies” , as a key priority for  improving
international Knowledge Driven Society

.° Developing demonstration projects of innovative applications in the field of
Networking e.learning co-operation for the common sustainable development aiming
to decreasing the digital divide with an emphasis on net-learning applications
based on open source software.


  The main goal of this project that will be developed in Networking
e.LEARNING (  = NET-LEARNING) in a context of cultural diversity among Europe
and Latin American Countries, will be to improve  professional development
potential in innovative Knowledge Management oriented to develop  new
international opportunity for intellectual job.
Therefore the Skill Shortage program will be a co-operative activity in
Educational Innovation for improving a new ITC way for learning co-operation ,
working as well as  a “Developmental Skill International Virtual Advanced
Laboratory “dedicated to a   cross fertilisation of innovation quality of
“e.learning objects editions” for the knowledge management in the context of the
Knowledge  Driven Society.

  Therefore the SKILL  SHORTAGE  @LIS program aims, by means an transnational
mutual interaction on education innovation , to assist educational decision
makers   , implementers and program designers for improving and evaluating “
net.learning e. strategies” in relation to implement multidisciplinary
approach integration , connecting and co-ordinating fundamental
science  and economy and psychological research of University, and Colleges
with  SME’s localized districts , and also aiming to get  access to all citizen
to a rapid flow of  integrated knowledge both in a innovative vocational and in
a lifelong educational approach.
The above it will be possible using the web editing of educational material
production and focusing a large dissemination of the networking e.learning
co-operative demonstration and testing available in forms that will be show in
clear and  easily accessible evidence in the WWW.

1.4.1) -  The pilot project SKILL SHORTAGE structural methodology will be:

  • Develop the organization of an International Virtual International Advanced
Laboratory ("VIAL") in the perspective of a net-learning agency consortium
construction for improving, within a shared knowledge agreement, very
appropriated endogenous models appropriated  to the dynamics of knowledge in
economy , creating educational net-learning innovation adapted to the conditions
and realities of each country or local regions.

• Respond and interchange experiences to overcome  to  SHILL SHORTAGE local
demand in  each partnership country , by means proposing the "VIAL" shared
strategies of co-operation to  national and regional public & private
educational agents of vocational training and lifelong learning, especially
focusing the needs of Knowledge Management for sustainable business  models for
SME’s in a global economy, aiming to  realize a series of concrete  objectives,
actions and specialized e.learning objects.

Selected Priority Fields “VIAL” networking virtual centre of innovative

“VIAL “ networking virtual centre of innovative “net.learning” will develop some
integrated Models  and disseminating them  involving a “critical mass” of
University and SME’s in each partnership country  with the focus to produce
e.learning objects on significant application in terms of “e.Quality” of
contents, methodology , and web dissemination for  SKILL BUILDING & LEVERAGING ,
"problem saving" strategies based on the GLOCAL ( Global + Local - general
Vision) ,particularly focused on the relationship between  science & society
helping a developmental sustainable collaborative scenario  among  LA-EU
Countries .

1.4.3.) - Work plan in progress
-  The “e.work” of   partners for improving the Work & Business Plan of the
Pilot Project SKILL SHORTAGE will be co-ordinated along four work packages :

A) Perspectives of the EU-LA Consortium Development identifying the
complementarity and synergyes of the various  roles and subprojects proposed by
partners, including the new forms and rules of e.working organization.  Sign of
the MoU by all effective partners
      (dead line  2002/July/31 )

B) Perspective in NET-Learning identifying emerging trends and strategic choices
of  knowledge management SKILL professional building and on the job leveraging
in respect to the thematic choices for the professional contents selected for
the production of  innovative models and demonstration  of Net-Learning for the
development of  Knowledge Networked Economy .
     (dead Line  : 2002 /sept./15 )

C) Setting up a  selection of functional open source platforms for net.learning
Getting a complete revision  of  strategic management vision of the Pilot
Project Idea ,
focusing particularly developmental e-strategies to support   and to mobilize
management resources   in a way to favour investment and networked competition
for SME's development both at national  and international levels.
( Dead Line : 2002/Sept/30)

D ) Setting up the definitive Working and Business Plan  Agreement
      (Dead Line : 2002/Oct/ 15)

1.4.4 ) Deliverables

Specific deliverables  for improving networking knowledge will be summarised as

. ° Editing and disseminating e.learning multilingual objects , tool-kits and
new net-learning methodologies in Knowledge Management for local socio-economic
profiling of SME’ proposing innovative courseware that will be cover a wide
range of relevance subjects  for growing the quality of life.

° Disseminating the “state of arts” of innovative and pioneering case studies ,
on Networking e.learning organization and their  applications for social
partners and public and/or private enterprises in  a cultural diversity
international scenario.

° For the above goal will be organized during the pilot project development some
“e.conferencies”  and “e. workshops “ on line and a final International CONGRESS
. A strong diffusion  will be improved  and implemented continuously , through
an internet information system of "VIAL" net-learning Web-portal and an special
online Magazine, showing the demo’s of the models and tool kits packages of
e.learning units, and popularizing the comparative reports on the  variation of
opportunities among different countries .
Partial and final Results that will be produced monthly during the pilot
project’s SKILL SHORTAGE  partnership Consortium will be disseminated utilizing
National and International Mass Media (Newspapers, Magazines, Forums and  Group
Discussion on line, Radio, TV


° Create a future sustainable Net Learning Network between University ,Colleges
and SME’s Industry , as an effective stable International Net-Learning Agency
for Knowledge Management promotion,  at local, regional and international
levels, that will be able to co-operate and contribute in setting up and
evaluating guidelines for understanding the strategic choices on the development

and the acquisition of emerging trends and needs of knowledge driven economy.

NOTE 2. : Status of the art ( 2002/06/20) REQUEST od the Partner’s LETTER OF

Today (2002/06/20)  a primary goal for improving the @LIS SKILL SHORTAGE Pilot
project,  is to develop a partnership consortium very  motivated on the above
finality , mission and goals, for developing a framework complement criteria
on   innovative methods for skill building & leveraging in using WEB for
producing innovative educational modules and units for developing net.learning
programs for improving opportunities in   intellectual e. work in the context of
growing the   International KNOWLEDGE DRIVEN ECONOMY of  the Digital new Age.
In particular partners will be encouraged to build up and implement
“e.strategies “for an Europe & Latin America  "Community Partnership
Development,   between University and SME's Enterprises" aiming to foster a

It will be clear that at this preliminary stage of  the developmental procedure
of such complex challenge it will be impossible to establish priority areas in a
planetary basis because they need to be defined through a participate process
based on a solid analytical territorial basis of relevant issues for different
socio-economic and environmental sustainable objectives proposed by every
country partner.

Therefore the LRE/EGO-CreaNET of the University of Florence will to promote a
pilot project SKILL SHORTAGE with a large consensual basis for understanding the
short and long terms benefits of the net-working learning , therefore it is
greatly important that every country partner can express a proper vision of the
priority areas of Knowledge Management skill building and leveraging in a way
that the proper "sub-project"  must reflects  the country core identity values.

As a matter of facts this Project/ idea to develop an unity of aims in
networking e.learning pilot project considering and implementing cultural
differences tray to follow the general guidelines recently approved by OECD  ( 4

Therefore until now the LRE-EGO-CreaNET  proposes the present first BLUE PRINT
for developing a  Pilot Project “e.Learning in a Cultural Diversity “ @LIS –call
2002 , aiming to search for “EU - LA” open partnership

Now the LRE-/EGO-CreaNET Working Group (W.G.) is looking  that the working plan
specific contents areas of NET-LEARNING will be defined by the partnership
alliance , at the same time that partners all together  will be  able to
understand their roles responsibilities coming in the
Partnership "Steering Committee Group" for developing the complete proposal .

Hoping that all potential partner in address would like to agree to this
approach, so that the  W.G hopes to receive from all of you a "Letter of Intent"
to participate as well as effective partner of the "SKIL SHORTAGE " @LIS Pilot

For the above  GOAL the LRE/EGO-CreaNET W.G. need to receive as soon as possible
( and no more later than 30 June 2002)  the “Letter of Intent “ in the Head
paper of each potential partner
interested to develop a co-operative pilot project well as  effective partner.

In this “Letter of Intent” partners are asked to provide a detailed description
of their role in proposing a proper short detailed “sub-project idea”, finalized
to improve the SKILL SHORTAGE general proposal  previously described in the main
finalities in a way that it will be possible to forecast the  local
socio-economic benefices in a skill building an leveraging of knowledge
management co-operative strategy  among Latin American and European
Alliance,  aiming to improve the thematic priorities  of science society
integration the
Knowledge Driven International Society.

The Letter of Intent  will be addressed to:

Director of LRE  // EGO-CreaNET
    Dr. PAOLO MANZELLI <LRE at unifi.it>
     c/o - Education Research Laboratory / EGO-CreaNET
  Via Maragliano 77 -50144 - Firenze - Italia
   Tel//Fax.:+39/055/332549 ; handy GSM ;+39//335/6760004
e.mail : <LRE at unifi.it>

Specifying into the OBJECT of this letter :

@LIS Call in the Filed e.Learning and Cultural Diversity
Pilot Project named “SKILL SHORTAGE”

Action lines :
1) Vocational Education Innovation on Science & Society  implementing
quality of life.
2) On the Job “Knowledge Management Leveraging” including sustainable
business models
3) The Name e.mail of the Contact Person  and the Project manager of the
Sub-project proposal.

Thank you very much for your kind attention and for sending  the requested
“Letter of Intent” for an effective partnership adhesion to the SKILL  SHORTAGE
@LIS Pilot Project proposal.

“Knowledge .Management “ . Definitions.

“Knowledge Management is the transformation of knowledge into business—and
learning the transformation of information into knowledge.”—Matthias Bellmann

“People do not manage knowledge; knowledge manages people”.—Alvin Toffler

“Knowledge Management is the creative transformation of obsolete knowledge into
a new
process of co-operative thought, improving the skill management development.
supporting , implementing and  reinforcing the development of the future
International Knowledge Driven Society”  --- Paolo Manzelli



(1)- @LIS –Call-Guidelines:
- More information in: http://www.apisel.org/@lis/Presentaciones/default_es.htm
- http://www.apisel.org/@lis/default_es.htm

(2)- University of Florence : http://www,unifi.it ;
        LRE-EGO-CreaNET : http://www.chim1.unifi.it/group/education/index.html

(3) – BLU.eS Project http://www.see.it/blues/
         See: MoU – e.working rules agreement in :


P.S. You can find an open FORUM about the development of the SKILL
SHORTAGE @LIS e.learning Program/idea  in :

using the password = pmegocrea.

   Director of LRE  // EGO-CreaNET

    PAOLO MANZELLI <LRE at unifi.it>

  Education Research Laboratory / EGO-CreaNET
  Via Maragliano 77 -50144 - Firenze - Italia

   Tel//Fax.:+39/055/332549 ; handy GSM ;+39//335/6760004

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