[Air-l] Re: Air-l digest, Vol 1 #392 : case studies of mailinglists

Uwe Matzat matzat at uni-duesseldorf.de
Thu May 23 09:26:01 PDT 2002

Dear Geert,

I conducted an analysis of mailing lists that includes an analysis of 
their internal dynamics, although it is not a case study, but rather a 
large-scale analysis of a variety of academic mailing lists. 

Two papers might be of interest to you:

*Matzat U. (accepted for publication). "Academic Communication 
and Internet Discussion Groups: Transfer of Information or Creation 
of Social Contacts?" in: Social Networks

see http://www.ppsw.rug.nl/~matzat/2000b.htm for the abstract

*Matzat, U. (1998). "Academic Communication and Active 
Participation in Internet Discussion Groups: Different Models of the 
Collective Good Problem."  Unpublished manuscript, University of 

see http://www.ppsw.rug.nl/~matzat/1998c.htm

The second paper is about the internal dynamics, whereas the first 
one is about some outcomes of mailing list use.

The results belonging to the second paper can be found in my 
Ph.D. thesis on "Social Networks and Cooperation in Electronic 
Commuities" which is also online available at 

Uwe Matzat

> Message: 5
> From: geert lovink <geert at desk.nl>
> To: air-l at aoir.org
> Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 12:23:21 +1000
> Subject: [Air-l] case studies of mailinglists
> Reply-To: air-l at aoir.org
> Dear Air-l,
> for my PhD at the University of Melbourne I have recently written a few case
> studies of mailinglist communities. Now I am winding up this project and for
> the introduction and conclusion I would like to refer to a few similar case
> studies, but I can't find all that many of them. Does anyone have a
> suggestion? It could be studies about virtual communities but that's perhaps
> a bit too broad. I am in particularly interested in internal dynamics and
> issues of sustainability. Any reference is most welcome.
> BTW. I do like the (new) afterword Howard Rheingold wrote for his Virtual
> Community book which MIT Press reprinted recently. I am not sure how
> welknown this text is. It's a good and honest reassessment of his passions.
> Yours,
> Geert Lovink (Sydney)
> http://www.aoir.org/mailman/listinfo/air-l

U. Matzat
Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut / Social Science Institute
Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf / University of Duesseldorf
Universitaetsstr. 1
40225 Duesseldorf
email: matzat at uni-duesseldorf.de

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