[Air-l] Re: Conference papers online

Steve Jones sjones at uic.edu
Mon Nov 4 11:08:52 PST 2002

The conference program is online at 
http://www.infonomics.nl/aoir/programme.htm. As I have stated before, 
there is no reason to not get in touch with presenters, and it is 
entirely up to individuals as to whether they will share their work 
by whatever means. AoIR in no way restricts their right to do so.


At 7:30 PM +0100 11/4/02, Yvonne Waern wrote:
>Maybe it is possible to get a list of the contributors and contact 
>them personally, if we are interested in some particular paper?
>I was a reviewer, and put in a lot of work in the process. However, 
>I have not paid the dues to the "clube". I already am a member of 
>too many societies, but I like this list!
>All the best,
>Yvonne Waern
>Professor emerita
>CMC-research group
>Computer and System Sciences
>Stockholm University /KTH
>Forum 100, S-164 40 Kista, Sweden
>Phone (home): +46 8 500 307 18
>Air-l mailing list
>Air-l at aoir.org

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