[Air-l] NCA get together

Philip N. Howard pnhoward at u.washington.edu
Mon Nov 11 20:21:34 PST 2002

Dear AIR friends:  I've been exchange emails with several AIRers about a
possible NCA get together.  Having just seen each other last month, I'm sure
we could not possibly want another bawdy night of drinks, dancing, fine
food, and arguments over the difference between the web, new media,
internet, cyberspace, etc.  New Orleans seems like a quiet town, unlike

We'd like to start at Napoleon House, 500 Chartres Street in the French
Quarter 9ish on Saturday night.

They don't take reservations, so whenever the the departmental parties end
we can descend and demand more than carrots and canapés.  This is an open
invite, so looking forward to seeing people & making new friends.
Philip N. Howard
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication
University of Washington

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