[Air-l] Digitales - feminism and ICT's

Laurence Claeys Laurence.Claeys at ua.ac.be
Wed Nov 20 08:34:36 PST 2002

http://www.digitales-online.org (in evolution)
4-7 December 2002
Full days (9am - 9pm) of meetings/participation on work, knowledge, skills,
experiences, dreams and questioning; this time of technological and feminist
activity and continual exchange could give birth to a virtual network.
The place:
Interface3, Rue du Méridien 30, 1210 Brussels, and
Amazone, Rue du Méridien 10, 1210 Brussels

*Contact and info: info@ digitales-online.org
Digitales 2002 will continue to reveal, initiate and analyse by exploring
women's image, role, place, tools, work and art in new technologies. This
event combines professional, reflexive and artistic practices to feed
political action.
Women and machines have a long common history. Women created machines, named
them or were named after them : computers, the Spinning, perforatrices
(punch card operators), etc The machines were adapted to women and vice
versa, women appropriated the machines and sometimes identified themselves
to them. However; this common history has been largely overlooked. Digitales
tries to discover this history with those who lived through it and with
sociologists and historians, in order to understand the present better and
to imagine the future.
Where is the body ­ biological, gendered, foreign ­ in technology and
raising the issue of racial discrimination in new technologies sector.
What is it that the machine and machine-woman images have ignored and still
deny: our female body, our skin, its colour? Digitales is inviting local and
international artists, theoreticians and technicians who are reintroducing
the idea and images of the body, skin and origins into machines and
technologies which have often been thought as virtual or abstract.
Sociologists and historians will also be invited to take us back to the
reality and the images of work and labour in the past for a better
understanding of these things today.
What kind of machine behaviour do employers, trainers and vocational
training organisations want us to adopt, integrate and carry forward ? Do
they actually foresee the same jobs, motions and gestures in the future
workplace ? Employers, women workers, labour researchers and vocational
guidance organisations have been invited to speak of their present
circumstances and debate about their expectations. What are machines, the
tools and the trades for tomorrow's women ? The debate is open with the
social partners.
We must also introduce the context, the end product, the computer tools used
and the data to be processed, by discovering what a database, a research
engine, the public domain, the peer-to-peer, a portal, free and free access
software and language are. Will our strength come from property rights over
the object, the language and the information rather than from sharing,
dialogue, information processing and analysis and the network ? Digitales
will invite lawyers , artists, economists, programmers, policy makers and
civil servants who think about their/our tools, their/our language,
their/our production in the context of the public field and cultural
How can we influence the rules of the game? Would changing the "operating
system", tools, software, having access to source codes of technology, be a
means of interaction between work, product and workers and users ?
Digitales keeps "traces" of the days of meeting, discussion, workshops and
lectures, organising the records and their distribution, creating its own
audio and visual archiving spaces and tools. A radio web will be installed
by the Interface 3 trainees in collaboration with members of Brussels free
radio stations and with links to web radios run by women in vocational
training and integration centres in Europe. It will also be an opportunity
to have access to Digitales 2001 traces.
Digitales also provides an opportunity for inter-generation and
inter-training meetings: it makes room for neighbouring schools and the
children and mothers of women in work placement and training schemes.

Four organising associations, three in Brussels and one in Antwerp
- Interface3 asbl: a centre and a team for vocational training and
integration of women in new technologies http://www.interface3.be
- Sophia: a coordination network for feminist/gender studies
- Constant vzw: an organisation linking artistic and theoretical thinking on
the Internet and digital communication http://www.constantvzw.com
- The Policy Research Centre on Equal Opportunities: a consortium of the
University of Antwerp (UA) and the University Centre of Limburg (LUC). The
Centre occupies an intermediary position between a research institute,
public administration and civil society.

Finding a common language to provoke thoughts and to work out a practice
which will stimulate women's action in contemporary society and bring
awareness of the concept of gender to the debates on new technologies
- technological and creative initiation
- understanding of the work tool
- the critical analysis of new technologies
- the discovery and the construction of new images and interactions
- constructing history, means of transmitting experience
Bringing together those who:
- have or want to use technologies to earn their living and to provide for
the needs of a family
- have professional and technical skills on the cutting edge of information
and communication technology and alternative systems
- undertake university research in various disciplines and in various
- create their artistic work by using 'traditional' or 'new' media (film,
video, Internet, digital support)
- are interested by feminist thought on contemporary society.
The Digitales project is part of the ADA Belgian network which aims to
create an exchange, thought and action network on the subject of women and
NTICs. Led by Interface3asbl in partnership with women's training
organisations in computer information technology, @ron, ATEL, Sofft, NFTE,
this project is supporte by the Belgian ministry of Labour and Employment
and the ESF, and involves a wider collaboration with companies, guidance
centres, schools, etc.

- Linux Install Party en Opensource koffieklets, Garrels Machtelt,
- Mongrel Linker Workshop Jarman mervin, Lewis Marlene
- Présentation mode d'emploi : Dress for Success Massu Isabelle, Pierrot
- Filmer les Digitales (Vidéo), Rabadan Inès avec l'aide de/met de steun van
Marie Vermeiren, Ella Elesse
- WebRadio (pré-Digitales avec/met De Jaeger Pierre, Malevé Nicolas, Van
Wynsberghe Wendy)
- Server Debian (pré-Digitales avec Brodesser Jens-Ingo)
- Les corps rêvés des femmes-machines - Memento cinématographique Andrin
- Women's strategies - ICTs and communicating as a political project Björk
Malin, Bracke Sarah
- Beyond the Headlines: How do Web-based Alternatives Challenge Corporate
News? Boler Megan
- Gender en ICT: De digitale kloof in Vlaanderen, Broos Agnetha
- Verscheidenheid in websites: toegankelijkheid, personalisering en gender,
Claeys Laurence
- Histoire de l¹informatique: Genres de machines, 1. La machine à écrire, 2.
La naissance de l¹ordinateur, 3. La Place des Femmes, Collet Isabelle,
Ingarao Maud
- There's always more than one route to Rome or there's more than one way to
skin a cat....., De Geuzen
- AS/400 Operations Teamleader, Demeulenaere Fabienne
- Stéréotypes,discrimination, norme masculine : théorie et pratique, Dumont
- Les nouvelles technologies, Internet et le droit, Dusollier Séverine
- Engager les techniques dans la pensée de la domination, Gardey Delphine
- Presentatie van het STIVA-project, Geets Sara,
- a href=½vifu:/" EUDORA="AUTOURL"http://www.vifu.de½>vifu: some strategies 
in undermining the
gendered digital divide </a>, Guerses Seda
- Comment Amnesty international utilise la technologie et l¹adapte aux
droits des femmes? Guillitte Françoise, Rifflart Vincent
- Stereotypen, discriminatie en mannelijkheid als norm: theorie en praktijk,
Haesendonck Ilse, Klooster Marlies
- Je m'appelle Mouchette
- Verschillende (migranten)vrouwenorganisaties aan en in ICT Kotkamp Erna,
Pierik Charlot
- What do cyberfeminists Eat? And more importantly, what operating system do
they use?, Mac Carty Diana
- Organisation du travail dans le secteur des nouvelles technologies, Martin
avec la visie/met de film van D'Hallivillée Christophe, 300 appels par jour
- Discrimination raciale à l'embauche (sous réserve-o.v), Patel Jyostma,
- Etat des lieux de l'utilisation de linux et des logiciels libres dans le
secteur, Schneider Oliver
non marchand, l'administration publique et les sociétés commerciales
- Votre pc vu de l¹intérieur, Section Help desk - IF3
- Time to Hack, Sollfrank Cornelia
- L¹informatique va-t-elle continuer à faire mauvais genre?, Valenduc Gérard
- Werk in uitvoering: genderaspecten van de carrièreopbouw in de ICT-sector,
Valgaeren Elke
- ZORRA Media Meldpunt, Van Hellemont Corine
- How can Free Software promote personal freedom and development ?,
Vandenabeele Peter
- L'usage du CD Rom dans la formation en milieu bancaire, Woussen Cathy
- Hostages to Hospitality: The Case of Undercurrents, Aristarkhova Irina,
- Globalization and women's networks, Fernandez Maria
- Foreign bodies-www.mongrelx.org, Jarman mervin
- Crossing Boundaries, Building Bridges, Oldenziel Ruth
- Las Narrativas del trabajo Romani Montse, Ruido Maria, Villaplana Virginia
- ŒUsing¹ applications in office work: Stories about gender-technology
relations, Stepulevage Linda
-Le genre ignoré de la santé au travail, Vogel Laurent
4/12 " De informatiedag rond de Electronica en ADA projecten "
14u00 Voorstelling van het Electronica-project
15u15 Voorstelling van het ADA- en Digitales-project
16u15 Debat
17h00 Toespraak van de Europese Commissie,
Eenheid ³Kennismaatschappij²
17u30 Toespraak van de Vice-Eerste Minister, Minister van Werkgelegenheid,
belast met het Gelijke Kansenbeleid Laurette Onkelinx
4/12 " Journée d¹information des projets Electronica et ADA "
14h00 Présentation du projet Electronica
15h15 Présentation des projets ADA et Digitales
16h15 Débat
17h00 Intervention de la Commission européenne,
Unité ³Société de la Connaissance²
17h30 Allocution de la Vice-Première Ministre, Ministre de l¹Emploi
chargée de la Politique d¹égalité des chances, Laurette Onkelinx

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