[Air-l] re: internet history?

gotved at mit.edu gotved at mit.edu
Tue Nov 26 11:04:46 PST 2002

David and others,

In my classes, I've used the different waves of users to shape the history of 
the net; see Guise 1998: 'Looking Backward and Forward at the Internet' in The 
Information Society 14(3). It's another angle and rather simple - and good to 
take the discussions beyond the technology in itself. However - sometimes I 
wonder if it isn't too early to grasp the net's history; we might need some 
more 'time distance' to recognize/reconstruct the patterns of importance...


david silver wrote:
> i'm curious about this notion of two stages of the internet.  if i'm
> reading the paragraph correctly, the authors suggest the net has had two
> stages: before and after the dot.com crash.  i'm interested in hearing
> what others think about this concept of a two-staged internet history.

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