[Air-l] Re: Conference papers online (Bram Dov Abramson)

jeremy hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Sun Nov 3 10:53:03 PST 2002

the possibly of public repositories for aoir eprints has been discussed
and there is an eprints server that could do this. There are significant
questions that need to be answered before any group other than aoir does
anything with the conference papers.  If individuals want to post them
to a public eprints archive, that is fine.   I can provide that service
to individuals through the CDDC eprint server, which is available now
for public use at http://eprints.cddc.vt.edu  and works just fine.  I'll
talk with exec eventually about perhaps creating a special aoir
category, but right now you could use the public area and identify your
material as conference related etc and be just fine.  However, the
relation between an eprints server and the person is an individual
relationship, not a group one, which is a key point for me.  Feel free
to play with the cddc eprints server and see what its about.  It still
is in public beta, it will have one upgrade and then it will be open to
all comers, currently i have to approve all submitters, but that will be
distributed too eventually.  

Robert Luke wrote:


Jeremy Hunsinger                http://www.cddc.vt.edu/jeremy
cddc/political science          http://www.cddc.vt.edu
526 major williams hall 0130    http://www.dromocracy.com
virginia tech                   -under construction
blacksburg, va 24061
jhuns at vt.edu
this email was sent from my office
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