[Air-l] Call for papers ECSCW'03

Louise Ferguson louise.lists at ntlworld.com
Tue Nov 5 07:10:53 PST 2002

I've been told there's interest in involving people from non-CSCW areas, 
hence why I'm posting to this list.
Louise Ferguson

Call for Papers
ECSCW'03 - 8th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
http:// ecscw2003.oulu.fi
Helsinki, 14.- 18. September 2003
CSCW is a multidisciplinary area of research devoted to the use of
computers to support cooperative work and a meeting area for research
coming from technology and human and social sciences. The community
encompasses interests in systems development and design, the theory
and practice of CSCW, the installation and use of CSCW systems, the
application of novel technologies, and the relation between the
social and the technical.
We invite contributions on all topics related to CSCW, including
technical, empirical, and theoretical aspects of collaboration and
computer systems. As always, a key aim of the conference is to be
multdisciplinary, combining and where possible truly integrating the
social with the technical.
Important Dates:
2 February 2003 Paper deadline
16 February 2003 Tutorials, Workshops, Demonstrations, Videos,
Poster, Doctoral Colloquium deadline
31 March 2003 Notification of acceptance
30 April 2003 Camera Ready Copy deadline
Submission requirements are available in the full CFP attached as a
PDF file, at the conference website
or by writing to ecscw03 at tol.oulu.fi
Even if you do not plan to submit work to the conference we hope that
you will attend. Put the dates on your calendar now! We look forward
to welcoming you to Helsinki in September 2003.
Kari Kuutti, University of Oulu, Finland
Eija Karsten, University of Turku, Finland
ECSCW 2003 co-chairs
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