[Air-l] Call for papers Conf. Document Research and development Aug. '03

niels windfeld Lund niels.windfeld.lund at hum.uit.no
Thu Nov 14 13:24:39 PST 2002

Call for papers to DOCAM ¹03

The Document Academy



- a useful concept ?
- a useful tool ?

An International Conference on Document Research and Development in
Sciences, Arts and Business

August 13-15th, 2003
University of California,  Berkeley

DOCAM ¹03 is the first annual meeting of The Document Academy, a
collaborative project of The Department of Documentation Science, University
of Tromsoe, Norway and The School of  Information Management and Systems, UC

The aim of  The Document Academy is to create a space for experimental and
critical research on documents in a wide sense drawing on traditions and
experiences around the world.
As a starting point everything produced by a human being using some
instruments in certain ways, can be considered as a document. It includes
writing, music, images, architecture. clothes, etc.
That means that the Academy is open for scholars, artists, businessmen,
students and many other kind of people attempting to do the very best at the
same time as one is still making "work in progress".

Scholars, developers, artists and practitioners working with document
research and development are invited to submit 500 words proposals for
papers or other kinds of presentation for seminars and workshops at DOCAM
¹03  by 3rd February 2003

We welcome especially proposals on the following themes :

-    Document theory

-   Document history

-  Forms of documentation  ­ Scientific documentation  / Health
documentation  /  Artistic documentation  /  Technical  documentation
/Commercial  documentation

- Tools and media  for  production, use  and organisation  of document

Proposals should include :

- a short description of the work to be presented

-  name of all contributors ,

-  address,  including email contacts and URL

-   a list of up to 5 keywords

Abstract should be submitted electronically in Word or RTF format to
niels.windfeld.lund at hum.uit.no
at latest February 3rd 2003

Accepted contributions notified 3rd March  2003

Further documentation will be available on and added continously to the web
site of The Document Academy http://thedocumentacademy.hum.uit.no/

Any questions concerning DOCAM¹03 and The Document Academy can be addressed
to the chair of the Document Academy, Niels Windfeld Lund, professor, Head
of Department, Department of Documentation Science
HUM-FAK /University of Tromsoe
Breivika, N-9037 Tromsoe, Norway
tlf. +47-77646284, fax + 47-77644239
niels.windfeld.lund at hum.uit.no

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