[Air-l] discussion on free papers

Philipp Budka philbu at gmx.net
Fri Nov 1 01:01:14 PST 2002

hi all,

concerning the discussion why papers of the maastricht- conference are not
freely available 
online, i just want to make some statements:
first, i am not a member (because its too expensive, for a student);
second, i dont think its a technical problem - of course it costs some time,
but creating 
pdf-documents and putting them online ist not very difficult - it should be
the same like it is 
currently done but without signing-in.
third i guess the whole problem is an academic one: instead of working
together, some are 
*sitting* on their work and results. but that leads nobody nowhere.
ok, i am just an european student without real experience in the academic
field, i can only guess 
how hard it is to get funds, etc. but that`s what the debate looks like to
i hope nobody feels personally attacked.

Philipp Budka
email: ph.budka at philbu.net
tel.: +43(01) 95 28 244
tel. mobil.: +43(0)6991 95 28 244
Rustengasse 5/10
1150 Wien, Austria

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