[Air-l] fAf Nov02: fAf's fabulous 15 years on CD
linda carroli
lcarroli at pacific.net.au
Sun Nov 10 15:49:32 PST 2002
fAf November02
fAf's fabulous 15 years on CD
fineArt forum = art + technology netnews
This month marks the completion of one of faf biggest anniversary events -
the release of faf_15, presenting a record of our 15 year history in the
field of art, science and technology communications. You will find
exclusively on faf_15:
:: the travelling screening program, 'fineArt in Motion' showcasing 14
works from young and emerging artists from around the world;
:: specially collated features on fAf's fabulous 15 years; and
:: indepth discussions about all things fAf with past and present editors,
Ray Lauzzana, Roger Malina, Annick Buread, Judy Malloy, Paul Brown, Nisar
Keshvani and Linda Carroli.
The CD will prove to be a valuable resource for researchers, artists,
writers and activists in the new media, science and technology fields
together with broadening the audience of faf into worldwide areas of where
low speed connections are predominant. More specifically, we plan to
distribute the cdrom to screen resource centres, arts and artist groups,
new media events and libraries worldwide to enhance access in those hard to
reach areas. To obtain a copy, email fAf at l2.carroli at qut.edu.au with your
name and postal address. Don't forget, fAf_15 is free. More information can
be found online.
As usual faf is packed with events, opportunities and news about what's
going on in the world of art, science and technology but you will want also
to check out the following reviews:
:: Estelle Yaw reports on Collaboration, Networking and Resource-Sharing
held in Myanmar;
:: Fatima Lasay provides the lowdown on DMF2002 in Manila;
:: Paul Brown reviews Sol LeWitt: Incomplete Open Cubes edited by Nicholas
:: YJ Tan takes a look at Animated Film from Germany;
:: Agricola de Cologne discusses the Violence Online Festival;
:: Typeslowly, a text-art event recently held in Brisbane is reviewed; and
:: Kosmopolis, a festival of world literature in Barcelona next month is
Since 25 Oct 2002, the fineArt forum (fAf) 15th Anniversary Travelling
Screening Program, 'fineArt in motion' is showcased on Singapore One,
Singapore's premier broadband network. Each week, three directors and their
work will be showcased, putting Singapore on the global multimedia map.
fAf's 15th Anniversary Screening Program, a special project curated by
Nisar Keshvani features 14 works by young and emerging artists from around
the world. It premiered at MAAP01 (Australia) and the Manila Digital Media
Festival last year. This year, it has travelled to over 10 locations in
Asia, Australia, Latin America and Europe.
fineArt in Motion: http://www.fineartforum.org/screen
Singapore One: http://s-one.net.sg/faf2002
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Subscription to fineArt forum is free. To subscribe: Send an email message
to: mailserv at qut.edu.au with the following text in the message: subscribe
fineartforum To unsubscribe - the first line of your email should read:
unsubscribe fineartforum
fineArt forum is a free, not-for-profit news and information service
exploring the relationship between the arts, sciences and technology. fAf
aims to inform new media arts and technology communities worldwide of the
latest events, developments and opportunities.
Send it to editor at fineartforum.org
Nisar Keshvani: editor at fineartforum.org
Linda Carroli: l2.carroli at qut.edu.au
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fineArt forum is assisted by the Commonwealth Government through the
Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body. Additional support
is provided by QUT Communication Design Department, School of Film and
Media Studies - Ngee Ann Polytechnic Singapore and Mississippi State
fAf is produced on behalf of the Art, Science and Technology Network
(ASTN). fAf and Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA) are strategic partners.
LEA is an online peer-reviewed journal published at MIT Press for the
Leonardo Network http://www.leonardo.info
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