[Air-l] faculty opening in Digital Communication & Aesthetics, Copenhagen

Lisbeth Klastrup klastrup at it-c.dk
Wed Nov 27 08:59:12 PST 2002

apologies for cross-posting...
Assistant or Associate Professorship in Computer Games at the IT University
of Copenhagen

The IT University of Copenhagen invites applications for one position as
Assistant or Associate Professor in computer games in the Department of
Digital Aesthetics and Communication
(http://www.it-c.dk/English/research/diac/). The position is available from
June 1st, 2003. The Department of Digital Aesthetics and Communication
(DiAC) addresses aesthetic, cultural, social and communicative aspects of

The job involves:

- research in communicative, narrative and social aspects of computer gaming
and virtual worlds; gaming culture; player motivation; learning in game
playing; and personality and gaming.

- teaching within use, reception and narrativity in digital media; concepts
and methods in reception of computer games and virtual worlds; target group
analysis; humanistic and social perspectives on technology.

The Associate Professorship is a tenured position and the Assistant
Professorship is an untenured position for a 3-year period. Both positions
include research and teaching obligations.

Further information about the IT University is available at www.it-c.dk

Applications and enclosures must be submitted in English on the basis of the
complete text for the vacancy available at

Application deadline: January 6th 2003, 12:00 noon

Appointment and salary will be in accordance with the Ministry of Finance's
agreement with the AC (the Danish Confederation of Professional

The IT University invites all qualified researchers regardless of age,
gender, religious affiliation or ethnic background to apply for the

For further information about the position, please contact
Head of Department
Anker Helms Jørgensen, anker at it-c.dk

Lisbeth Klastrup
Ph. D. Scholar, Research Assistant
Dept. of Digital Aesthetics and Communication
IT University of Copenhagen
klastrup at itu.dk

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