[Air-l] discussion on free papers

Steve Jones sjones at uic.edu
Fri Nov 1 05:06:55 PST 2002

I second Jeremy's note - the association should not coerce anyone to 
do anything. We have encouraged people to share their work, and we 
have a means (again, as with so much else of our online presence, 
courtesy Jeremy) of distributing work electronically. If there are 
people interested in doing so I am sure Jeremy will help them (though 
if there is truly great interest in this I would hope that there will 
be people who will help Jeremy, for he, along with Charlie 
Breindahl's help, has been shouldering virtually the entire burden of 
running AoIR's Internet applications and hardware).

Let us not also forget that many of the papers presented at AoIR 
conferences have been published in various forms and venues, and that 
for many people publication of work in a proceedings (whether online 
or offline) may foreclose other publication opportunities that 
"count" for much more in academic settings. There are interesting 
ways in which academic work is implicated in intellectual property 
matters, and not all of them are only based on legal considerations. 
Perhaps some of those who have published could share citations.

AoIR will continue to encourage the sharing of work, but should not 
obligate or coerce anyone to share it (or to do anything else for 
that matter).


At 7:17 AM -0500 11/1/02, jeremy hunsinger wrote:
>i fully support free paper distribution, i even have a server at 
>cddc dedicated to eprints that anyone can use to distribute 
>electronic prints, aoir members and non members alike. but free and 
>open distribution must be the decision of the individual not an 
>obligation put on them because they participate in an  organization 
>or attend a conference.  i'm not into removing people's freedom to 
>provide free papers.  i'm not even into having an organization 
>provide free papers if that organization relies on the good will of 
>its members to provide those papers without the organization 
>returning something to those members in kind.  so i don't support 
>making papers and proceedings available to the world,  i don't think 
>we've ever said we would, and i don't think it is a good idea 
>institutionally to take over those rights and duties involved with 
>intellectual ownership and electronic distribution, though it is a 
>great idea for people to do it individually, as many members do 
>jeremy hunsinger
>jhuns at vt.edu
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