[Air-l] Re: Conference papers online (Bram Dov Abramson)

JASON NOLAN jason.nolan at utoronto.ca
Sun Nov 3 09:52:27 PST 2002

I'm in complete support of Barry's thinking. That said, perhaps the 
easiest solution would be something that AoIR could take up itself, 
in the form of an AoIR  paper repository where members could put up 
papers, related to a conference or otherwise. If it is done by the 
author, then there's less work over-all, after a script has been set 
up to organize them. Then anyone who is an AoIR member could upload a 
paper or link to one, along with pertinent info and abstract, so that 
they were searchable from inside AoIR.

Has anyone seen a script like this? I could envision one and could 
probably get my students to whip one up. Provided I could grab some 
funding from some courseware development fund somewhere. And have it 
up for when we're hosting the conference next fall.

If there's interest from the powers that be.

Jason Nolan, PhD
Scholar in Residence
Knowledge Media Design Institute
Bahen Centre for Information Technology
40 St. George St.
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON
M5S 2E4
mailto:jason.nolan at utoronto.ca

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